Hola desde Yale! Hello from Yale!
My name is Andrea and I am a first year MBA student at Yale SOM. I am a proud bulldog. My heart is equally Peruvian as it is Canadian. I was born and raised in Peru but moved to Canada for high school.

Kickstarted! Tuckerman & Co. Launches at Yale
Jonas Clark '15 took a deep breath. "How am I doing? I'm great. Tired. But I signed up for this. We didn't apply anywhere else. We knew we were coming to SOM. We knew we were going to start this business."

Yale SOM Students Welcome Peers from Other Network Schools

Good Profits
Vijay Sharma readily divides his career in two. In the first part, he did business as business is normally done. He managed marketing and sales the way they have been taught and managed for years.

2014 Orientation Roundup #YSOMOrientation
The MBA Class of 2016 and Master of Advanced Management (MAM) Class of 2015 took part in a weeklong program of orientation activities.