The Thurman Arnold Project is named in honor of Thurman Arnold, Yale Law Professor and head of the Antitrust Division from 1938 to 1943, to capture the intellectual and enforcement tradition he represented, as well as his zeal for achieving competitive markets for the people of the United States. The project is supported by grants from the Hopewell Foundation, Knight Foundation, and the Omidyar Network. Microsoft Corporation provided a special targeted grant to fund a conference for junior faculty in the antitrust area.
The project, TAP@Yale, brings together Yale faculty, students, and scholars from other institutions to collaborate on research related to competition and competition policy as well as antitrust enforcement. The goal of the project is to generate discipline-based, rigorous scholarship and disseminate it through multiple channels to impact competition enforcement and policy around the world.
Thurman Arnold is described as having “created the modern Antitrust Division. His vigorous enforcement of the antitrust laws and his constant proselytizing of the benefits of competition raised the profile of the division and convinced the American public of the benefits of our nation’s antitrust laws. The debt of the American public to Thurman Arnold cannot be overstated.” (Anne Bingaman quoted in Thurman Arnold: A Biography by Spencer Weber Waller, p 110)
The project is an intellectual gathering point and not a Yale center, institute, or program, and has no endorsement from Thurman Arnold’s heirs or the law firm he founded.

TAP Affiliated Faculty on Twitter
Ian Ayres
Jonathan B. Baker
Jack Balkin
Steven Berry
Judy Chevalier
David Dinielli
Florian Ederer
Austin Frerick
Michael Kades
Terrell McSweeny
Daniel Markovits
Nathan Miller
Fiona Scott Morton
Michael Sinkinson
Dina Srinivasan
Hiba Hafiz
Nisheeth Vishnoi
Dirk Bergemann
Abbe Gluck
A Douglas Melamed
Carl Shapiro
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