The MBA Class of 2016 and Master of Advanced Management (MAM) Class of 2015 took part in a weeklong program of orientation activities. Throughout the week, many students, faculty, and staff took to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to share their experiences.
Monday, August 18, 2014
“And here we go #ysomorientation”
via @rishjain
via @rish2jain
“First day orientation lunch”
via @cubicroot
“Loving all your curves, SOM. Day 1 done.”
via @lelandmilstein
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Yale President Peter Salovey
Photo by James Lin ‘15.
“@DBachYSOM kicking off the 2nd day of #YsomOrientation #gnam #yalesom”
via @zoeclloyd
“Loved addressing 385 amazing new @YaleSOM students during orientation;
54% have nationality other than US #global”
via @dbachysom
#YaleMBA and #YaleMAM students and partners at Lighthouse Point in New Haven.
Photos: Senior Associate Dean Anjani Jain.
“Sometimes professors take selfies. With Students. On a carousel.”
via @speedyb09
“Lovely sunset and clambake from #Yale last night”
via @picklesismycopilot
“#ysomorientation #selfiewiththedean”
via @bobek.andre
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
“MBAs in a tree”
via @speedyb09
“New @YaleMAM students explain their leadership philosophy via art @YaleArtGallery“
via @dbachysom
Thursday, August 21, 2014
“I guess we are doing presentations now.
Our group worked on an incentive-based text and
voice survey that would effectively contain and prevent spread of Ebola in West Africa”
via @speedyb09
Friday, August 22, 2014
“A full day ‘Career Immersion’ with panels across industry and function, including:
social impact, consulting, finance, healthcare, and media & entertainment“
via @YaleSOM
“Great entrepreneurship session during Career Immersion Day.”
via @zoeclloyd