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Class Profile: Class of 2026

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At Yale SOM, we attract broadminded and intellectually curious students with a diversity of backgrounds and interests. With our small size, supportive culture, and emphasis on working in teams, this diversity becomes a true strength and opportunity for you to broaden your horizons and your networks. Get to know us through the numbers below or read profiles of some of our students.

Data gathered at fall matriculation.

Class of 2026 Overview


Total enrollment




International passport holders1




First-generation college students


Joint-degree students


Average years of work experience

1 Includes U.S. Permanent Residents and Dual Citizens

U.S. Race / Ethnicity1


U.S. Students of Color  
(% of U.S. Students)2


U.S. Underrepresented Students of Color 
(% of U.S. Students)3

Federal Guidelines Reporting4Multi-Dimensional Reporting5
American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander10%21%
Asian American8338%9141%
Black/African American125%146%
Did Not Report84%84%

1 All U.S. Race/Ethnicity data is shown as a percentage of U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents (n=220)
2 Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Asian American, Black/African American or Hispanic/Latinx (n=123)
3 Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Black/African American or Hispanic/Latinx (n=35)
4 Federal Guidelines report students who identify with more than one race or ethnicity under a single category. Students who identify as Hispanic/Latinx and any other race are represented as Hispanic/Latinx only. Students who identify with more than one race are represented as Multi-race only. 
5 Multi-Dimensional reporting allows for students who identify with more than one race or ethnicity to be represented in each category with which they identify. As a result, the total may exceed 100%.


  • A student who identifies as Hispanic/Latinx and Black/African American is represented only as Hispanic/Latinx under the Federal Guidelines and as both Hispanic/Latinx and Black/African American under Multi-Dimensional Reporting. This student is included as both a U.S. Student of Color and a U.S. Underrepresented Student of Color.

  • A student who identifies as Black/African American and White is represented as Multi-Race under the Federal Guidelines and as both Black/African American and White under Multi-Dimensional Reporting. This student is included as both a U.S. Student of Color and a U.S. Underrepresented Student of Color.

  • A student who identifies as Asian American and White is represented as Multi-Race under the Federal Guidelines and as both Asian American and White under Multi-Dimensional Reporting. This student is included as a U.S. Student of Color but not a U.S. Underrepresented Student of Color.

Citizenship by Region

42 Countries Represented1

Map showing regional representation

1 Based on primary and secondary citizenship



Pre-SOM Industry


Pre-SOM Function Bar Chart


Pre-SOM Sector

Education and Test Scores

Median Middle 80% Range
GMAT (10th Edition) 730 700-760
GMAT (Focus Edition) 675 *
GRE-V 164 159-170
GRE-Q 166 161-170
Undergraduate GPA*** 3.68 3.31-3.94

* Given the limited number of GMAT Focus Edition test-takers this year we are not able to provide a representative range.  
** 38% of incoming students submitted GRE scores.  
*** GPA is reported for US schools, 4.0 grading scale, where GPA appears on transcript.

Undergraduate Majors

Undergraduate Majors Pie Chart

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