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Driving Purpose — The Yale SOM Campaign

Together, we are embarking on a new era. Join Driving Purpose—The Yale SOM Campaign to increase the resources needed to extend and strengthen the school’s mission, to touch more lives, and to build a stronger community committed to leadership for business and society. 

Your gift to any area at Yale School of Management from now until June 2026, will count towards Driving Purpose—The Yale SOM Campaign.

Kerwin with a student

"Yale School of Management was founded with the unique mission to educate leaders for business and society. Today, that mission is more relevant than ever. With our mission as our guiding light and our 50th anniversary on the horizon, Yale SOM is positioned to expand our contribution to society and impact on the world. Your gifts provide mission-critical resources and make possible extraordinary leaps to propel the school into the next 50 years and beyond." —Dean Kerwin K. Charles 

driving purpose web banner

At a virtual event on March 23, 2022, the Yale School of Management kicked off a multi-year campaign to raise resources and invigorate community engagement that will extend the impact of the school’s mission of educating leaders for business and society.  Read More.