The Internship Fund Helps Shape What We May Be
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” – Hamlet (Act 4, Sc 5), William Shakespeare

A Technocrat’s Approach to Dealing with the Water Crisis of 2014-15 in Sao Paulo

The Changing Face of Venture Capital
The venture capital world is changing quickly, and from where Niki Manby ’99 sits, being nimble is increasingly imperative.
From the Assistant Dean for Admissions: Yale’s Convening Power
At Yale SOM we often talk about the convening power of Yale: the university’s ability to bring together world-renowned individuals across a range of disciplines.

Yale SOM United Soccer Club Wins 26th Annual Yale Cup
With 320 fruit snacks, 84 feet of Subway sandwiches (or 24,192 square inches), and 82 freshly minted SOM United jerseys, Yale SOM Soccer Club hosted the 26th annual Yale Cup, where top business schools compete for the ultimate prize in all of MBA

Persuading Through Storytelling
The image of the young girl in a red dress behind the glass is forever burned into Rob Morris’s memory.

Student Entrepreneurs: Revai
A student startup is developing new technologies to help make intestinal transplants possible.

WSJ Highlights Yale SOM’s ‘Master Class in Financial Crises’
In an article published on August 12, the Wall Street Journal highlights recent programs for financial regulators hosted by the Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS) at Yale SOM’s Edward P. Evans Hall.