While we are navigating a time of change throughout global economies, there continues to be healthy and robust demand for MBA talent. Yale MBA students have leveraged this demand to find meaningful opportunities across diverse industries.
In 2024, Yale SOM students chose employment in an even broader array of organizations than in recent years. They continued to benefit from Yale SOM’s broad network of employers and our deliberate strategy to not become over-reliant on a few organizations.
Looking at the breakdown by industry, we see more students taking jobs outside the top five industries, primarily driven by large strategy consulting hiring normalizing after a few expansive years.
In some cases, particularly technology, there is a shift among employers within an industry. While tech overall was quite active, and the number of 2024 tech employers was flat vs. 2023, we saw large brand-name tech cooling. Students who broadened their target list of companies found success in tech despite the plethora of doom and gloom news.
Also, while MBA hiring continued to be robust, competition was fierce and the effort required of students was considerable. As a result, timelines for searches were longer across many industries. After the official reporting deadline, students continued to share received and accepted offers including: Chief of Staff at American Express; Vice President at Kroll Consulting; Manager, Brand Activation at Chicago Redstars; Executive Director, Market Intelligence at Goldman Sachs; Associate Investment Officer at IFC/ World Bank Group; Investment Associate at Sweetwater PE; Associate Brand Manager at Henkel; and Account Director at Raptor Maps, among others. These results couldn’t be included in our numbers but reflect students’ ongoing success. The Career Development Office provides lifelong career support and continues to work with recent graduates as long as needed.
It’s also important to note that this employment data only reflects individual student choices, not their opportunities. Yale SOM students had many options this year. We want students to search and find what’s best for them individually. Numerous factors drive those very personal quests, resulting in many different first post-MBA roles.