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October 08, 2014 MBA Blog

A Summer in Tech

A collage of four individual photos features two men and two women, all smiling. Each person is seated in a classroom setting with a whiteboard in the background.
October 06, 2014 MBA Blog

A Summer Job in Retail

October 05, 2014 MBA Blog

Club Spotlight: Design & Innovation

Each month the MBA Blog will take a closer look at one of Yale SOM's 40+ student clubs.

October 01, 2014 MBA Blog

Welcome New Student Government Representatives!

At Yale SOM, opportunities to lead within the student body abound, whether it is through organizing events for classmates, club leadership, or Student Government.

September 25, 2014 MBA Blog

Good Profits

Vijay Sharma readily divides his career in two. In the first part, he did business as business is normally done. He managed marketing and sales the way they have been taught and managed for years.

A close-up view of a collection of cacao beans scattered on a surface. The beans vary in color and size, from light brown to dark brown. Some are cracked open, revealing their inner structure. The lighting highlights the different textures and natural details of the beans, creating an earthy and organic feel.
September 24, 2014 MBA Blog

Chocolate for Good

Yale SOM students got a behind the scenes look at Diana Lovett’s founding of Cissé Trading Company—a small business that combines her dedication of social responsibility with her love of chocolate.

September 24, 2014 MBA Blog

No Experience is Bad Experience

Last week, the Yale SOM Entrepreneurship Club welcomed Uyen Tieu, Co-Founder & Chief Revenue Officer of Rumble. The first in the club's series of invited speakers, Uyen gave students a candid look into the life of a tech entrepreneur.