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A group of young men is playing a game of flag football on a grassy field. They are actively engaged, with some players reaching for the flags on their opponents' belts. The players are dressed in athletic attire, including shorts, t-shirts, and sneakers. One player in a blue shirt is running towards the goal, while others attempt to block or grab his flag. The background features trees and a glimpse of a house, suggesting a park or recreational area. The atmosphere is energetic and competitive.
September 23, 2014 MBA Blog

2015 Defense Delivers Oster Bowl Victory

Camels near the coast with a student on the beach standing
Anthony van Dijk YC ’03 (left) and Chetan Parekh ’06.
September 18, 2014 MBA Blog

What Is Brand Management?

September 17, 2014 MBA Blog

Remembering 9/11

September 12, 2014 MBA Blog

Meet the Case Competition Club

Under a clear blue sky, students from the Class of 2016 and the MAM class gathered around blue tables in the Evans courtyard on August 28.

September 12, 2014 MBA Blog

Agile Software Designer "Uncle Bob" Visits Yale SOM

In collaboration with student groups, local developers, and New Haven businesses, the Entrepreneurship Program at Yale SOM hosted Robert Martin for a talk entitled “SOLID Principles of OO & Agile Design.”

September 12, 2014 MBA Blog

Part III: Home Again, Home Again

So here it is – the last post. I’ve been procrastinating in finishing this – exactly a week before I start my job

September 11, 2014 MBA Blog

Progress through Failure

September 10, 2014 MBA Blog

Part II: Something Amazing Walks Right Up and Smacks You In the Face

So, obviously, I elbowed my friend out of the way, stepped on her neck as she was laying on the ground, and spit on our friendship, all to get the job, right? Ha! That is absolutely the antithesis of how we operate at Yale SOM.