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March 21, 2014 MBA Blog

Extracting a Better Deal

Jenik Radon has for almost 20 years gone eye-to-eye with oil and gas companies planning to extract new reserves in emerging nations. His role, he told students at Yale SOM on February 20, is to represent the public good.

March 17, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

A Discussion with Andrew Kassoy from B-LAB

In a recent session, the MAM class had a wonderful meeting during the Colloquium of Advanced Management session where we met Andrew Kassoy, the Co-Founder of B-LAB.

March 16, 2014 MBA Blog

Greetings from Sunny Rio de Janeiro!

First years on the Brazil International Experience trip made their way to Rio on Tuesday evening after various pre-trip vacations in every corner of South America.

March 13, 2014 MBA Blog

Business & Society: It's Complicated

As an MBA candidate who was also considering a master’s in social work or public policy in 2012, I was drawn early on to Yale’s mission of “educating leaders for business and society,” which implied that neither business nor society stood—or could

A panoramic view of a cityscape features a mix of tall skyscrapers and historic buildings under a cloudy sky. Dominating the scene is a sleek, modern high-rise with a curved top. In the distance, various other buildings extend towards the horizon. Below, a park with leafless trees and snow-covered grounds can be seen, indicating a winter setting. The overall atmosphere is serene with a soft, muted light casting a calm over the bustling city.
March 07, 2014 MBA Blog

From Whitney Avenue to Wall Street

For most of the week, 76 students from business schools around the world have gathered at Evans Hall to explore behavioral finance and marketing strategies. On March 5, they left the classroom for a first-hand look at the U.S.

February 27, 2014 MBA Blog

Student Panel Uses the Economics of Sports to Connect Across Cultures

When Jimmy Holloran ’14, as a newly arrived first-year student in fall 2012, heard Dean Ted Snyder talk about making Yale SOM the most global business school, he began thinking about how the student body could become more engaged with its internat

February 24, 2014 MBA Blog

Seeing Is Believing

New products with global marketing potential don’t come along very often, but Sasson Darwish ’94 says he has one.

February 23, 2014 MBA Blog

4029 Swersey Cup: 2014 and 2015 Duel on the Hardwood

Spirited competition is a big part of life at SOM.

February 21, 2014 MBA Blog

Diversity Month: ‘Straight But Not Narrow’ Builds Allies for LGBTQ Community

“What is an ally?” That was a question posed to a full classroom of Yale SOM students, staff, and faculty at the beginning of an hour of comedy sketches.

February 13, 2014 MBA Blog

My First New Haven Snowfall

I came to graduate school, especially business school, to test the limits of what I could become. I wanted to push myself farther and heighten my abilities by leaving my comfort zone. At Yale I found the perfect place to do so.