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April 06, 2015 MBA Blog

More Yalies Taking Courses at Yale SOM

The Yale School of Management is getting more popular with other Yalies campus-wide.

March 27, 2015 Master of Advanced Management Blog

Using Business to Shape the World for the Better

A large group of people is gathered indoors, posing for a photo behind a sign that reads "Welcome to OPPAMA PLANT, NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD., MAR. 12, 2015." The group includes men and women of diverse backgrounds, all smiling and dressed in business or business casual attire. Behind them, there is a white car and a bright, modern interior, indicating they are at a Nissan facility.
March 23, 2015 MBA Blog

Making Memories: International Experience in Japan

I’m writing this blog waiting for my flight from Osaka back to New York, feeling in awe of a beautiful country and so happy to have shared the Japan International Experience (IE) trip with my fellow SOM students.

A person is balancing playfully on a vast, reflective surface that mirrors the sky and clouds above. The individual is dressed in casual attire, wearing a pink shirt, dark pants, and a red hat, with arms outstretched as if walking on air. The scene is set against a deep blue sky with scattered clouds, creating a surreal and ethereal atmosphere. The expansive, mirror-like ground blurs the line between earth and sky, enhancing the dreamlike quality of the image.
March 16, 2015 MBA Blog

International Experience: Pre-trip in Chile

“So wait, you’re telling me your school sends its students to countries like Chile, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, India and Israel as part of its curriculum?”

March 06, 2015 Master of Advanced Management Blog

#GNW2015 by the Numbers

March 02, 2015 MBA Blog

Finding Inspiration at the Believers in Business Conference

“I felt like I was inundated with wisdom.” That’s how Xulin Guo ’15 describes the recent Believers in Business Conference.

February 17, 2015 Master of Advanced Management Blog

International Week Kicks Off at Yale SOM

A series of student-run events highlights the cultural diversity of Yale SOM.

February 16, 2015 MBA Blog

Hugo & Hoby

The story of Hugo & Hoby, a company that produces flat packed, highly customizable, and sustainable furniture using domestic skills and materials, is an unlikely one.