We asked rising second-year MBA students to check in from their summer internships, where they are applying the lessons of their first year at Yale SOM.
Internship Spotlight: Reid Jackson ’23, World Food Programme
Reid Jackson ’23 shared what he worked on this summer as an intern with the World Food Programme in Malawi.
Internship Spotlight: Anna Eapen ’23, REDF
Anna Eapen ’23 shared what she worked on during the summer at her internship with REDF.
Internship Spotlight: Roshni Walia ’23, Metis Collective
Roshni Walia ’23 shares lessons from her summer internship with Metis Collective in Kenya.
Internship Spotlight: Nick Zeffiro ’23, Meta
Nick Zeffiro ’23 shared his experiences as a Global Operations intern at Meta.
Internship Spotlight: Helena Heckschen ’23, National Basketball Association
Helena Heckschen ’23 shared her experiences from her internship with the National Basketball Association.
Internship Spotlight: Jumoke Akinwusi ’21, Yale Program on Financial Stability
Jumoke Akinwusi ’21 shares insights into her time as a research associate for the Yale Program on Financial Stability.
Internship Spotlight: Chenyu Zhang ’22, Merrill Lynch
Chenyu Zhang ’22 shares insights from an internship with a newly listed Chinese-based internet company.
Internship Spotlight: Hayden Wolf ’22, Driscoll’s
Hayden Wolf ’22 on working on an operations optimization problem for Driscoll’s warehouse operations team.
Internship Spotlight: Luigi Cortez ’22, Analysis Group
Luigi Cortez ’22 on spending the summer applying data and analysis to case work at an economic consulting firm.
Internship Spotlight: Allie Harokopus ’22, American Express
Allie Harokopus ’22 on developing a strategy to build support for the American Express brand among younger consumers.