Prof. Barry Nalebuff Named Fellow of the Econometric Society
Nalebuff is an expert on negotiation, innovation, strategy, and game theory.

Barry Nalebuff, the Milton Steinbach Professor of Management, has been named a fellow of the Econometric Society, the organization announced on October 11.
The Econometric Society is dedicated to “the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics”; it publishes the journals Econometrica, Quantitative Economics, and Theoretical Economics.
“Election as a fellow of the Econometric Society is a recognition of important contributions to economics,” said Eliana La Ferrara, president of the Econometric Society. “The fellows represent the highest authority of the Society. I congratulate them on this great honor.”
Nalebuff was one of 42 scholars selected by the organization this year. He joins his Yale SOM colleagues Robert Shiller and Judith Chevalier as fellows.
Nalebuff has taught negotiation, innovation, strategy, and game theory at Yale SOM for 34 years. He is the author of seven books, including The Art of Strategy, Co-opetition, Why Not?, and, most recently, Split the Pie. He is a co-founder of Honest Tea, Kombrewcha, and Just Ice Tea.