The Life of a Tree: A Social Enterprise Market (1% for the Planet)
Fred Kukelhaus and Ben Young, both Yale SOM ‘16, have teamed up once more to put-on a social entrepreneurship event for the greater Yale and New Haven community. Last night the Hugo & Hoby co-founders collaborated with Yale FES to showcase the products of Yale student ventures and local entrepreneurs at The Life of a Tree: A Social Enterprise Market (1% for the Planet). The bustling market, hosted at Kroon Hall, gave New Haven residents, Yale students, faculty, staff, and founders alike the opportunity to learn more about the local entrepreneurial culture. Ranging from Caseus cheese samples to Sap! Maple beverages, to Tuckerman & Co shirts, and Zoni frozen plant-based stovetop meals; the market had something for everyone. The Life of a Tree: A Social Enterprise Market was a wonderful exposition of social entrepreneurs and the good they are doing for the immediate community and beyond.