Faculty Research and Honors in 2024
Faculty publications, awards, and honors over the last year.
David Argente:
- “Consumer Surplus of Alternative Payment Methods." Review of Economic Studies. December 2024.
- “Life Cycle of Products: Evidence and Implications." Journal of Political Economy. February 2024.
Jaime Arellano-Bover:
- “Career Consequences of Firm Heterogeneity for Young Workers: First Job and Firm Size.” Jaime Arellano-Bover. Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 42, Number 2. April 2024
James Baron:
- “Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining in the Museum Industry.” Pp. 299-315 in Howard R. Stanger, Paul F. Clark, and John T. Delaney (eds.), Union Organizing and Collective Bargaining at a Critical Moment: Opportunities for Renewal or Continued Decline? Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (Labor and Employment Relations Association Series).
John Barrios:
- “A new era of midnight mergers: Antitrust risk and investor disclosures.” Barrios, John M., and Thomas G. Wollmann. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 16, no. 4 (2024): 77-111.
- “Tax planning knowledge diffusion via the labor market.” Barrios, John M., and John Gallemore. Management Science 70, no. 2 (2024): 1194-1215.
Barbara Biasi:
- “The Role of Bipolar Disorder and Family Wealth in Choosing Creative Occupations." Biasi, Barbara, Michael S. Dahl, and Petra Moser. Nature: Scientific Reports, vol. 14, n: 10703 (2024).
Tristan Botelho:
- “From Audience to Evaluator: When Visibility into Prior Evaluations Leads to Convergence or Divergence in Subsequent Evaluations Among Professionals.” Botelho, Tristan L. 2024. Organization Science, 35(5): 1682-1703.
- “The Sociology of Entrepreneurship Revisited.” Botelho, Tristan L., Ranjay Gulati, and Olav Sorenson. 2024. Annual Review of Sociology, 50: 341-364.
- “The (Re)Production of Inequality in Evaluations: A Unifying Framework Outlining the Drivers of Gender and Racial Differences in Evaluative Outcomes.” Abraham, Mabel, Tristan L. Botelho, and Gabrielle Lamont-Dobbin. 2024. Research in Organizational Behavior, 44: 1-18.
Teresa Chahine:
- “Curricula and resources related to social entrepreneurship and public health innovation within schools of public health in the United States.” (With Hyde I, Khoshnood K, Basrai F.) Frontiers of Public Health. 2024 (12)
Todd Cort:
- “The evolving climate change investing strategies of asset owners.” Moldovan, E., Cort, T., Goldberg, M., Marlon, J., & Leiserowitz, A. (2024). Npj Climate Action, 3(1), 82.
Corey Cusimano:
- “The case for heterogeneity in metacognitive appraisals of biased beliefs.” Cusimano, C. (2024). Personality and Social Psychology Review.
- “Americans believe in the benevolence of nature (and this belief is not lower in people who have experienced natural disasters).” Rozin, P., Chen, R., Scott, S., & Cusimano, C. (2024). Judgment and Decision Making.
- “Psychological freedom, rationality, and the naïve theory of reasoning.” Cusimano, C., Zorrilla, N., Danks, D., & Lombrozo, T. (2024). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 153(3), 837–863.
Jennifer Dannals:
- “A theoretical framework for social norm perception." Dannals, J. E. & Li, Y. (2024). Research in Organizational Behavior, 44, 100211.
- “Do investors value gender diversity?” Daniels, D. P., Dannals, J. E., Lys, T. Z., & Neale, M. A. (2024). Organization Science.
Julia DiBenigno:
- “A Necessary Prescription: How Studies of Healthcare Can Advance Theory and Practice.” DiBenigno, J., and T. D’Aunno. 2024. Administrative Science Quarterly. Research Curation.
Raphael Duguay:
- “The Effect of Financial Audits on Governance Practices: Evidence from the Nonprofit Sector." Duguay, R. (2024). The Accounting Review, 99(6), 157-189.
William English:
- “Monetary Policy Responses to the Post-Pandemic Inflation.” (Edited with Kristin Forbes and Angel Ubide). London: CEPR, 2024.
- “Monetary Policy Responses to the Post-Pandemic Inflation: Challenges and Lessons for the Future.”(with Kristin Forbes and Angel Ubide) in Monetary Policy Responses to the Post-Pandemic Inflation, Bill English, Kristin Forbes, and Angel Ubide, Eds. London: CEPR, 2024.
Howard Forman:
- “Clinician staffing and quality of care in US health centers.” Q Wilton Sun, Howard P Forman, Logan Stern, Benjamin J Oldfield. JAMA Network Open 2024. 7 (10), e2440140-e2440140
- “Abbreviated MRI in the evaluation of dizziness: report turnaround times and impact on length of stay compared to CT, CTA, and conventional MRI.” Long H Tu, Kyle Tegtmeyer, Irene Dixe de Oliveira Santo, Arjun K Venkatesh, Howard P Forman, Amit Mahajan, Edward R Melnick. Emergency Radiology 2024 31 (5), 705-711
- “Even with ChatGPT, race matters." Kanhai S Amin, Howard P Forman, Melissa A Davis. Clinical Imaging 2024. 109. 110-113.
- “Industry payments and brand-name tyrosine kinase inhibitor use amid generic entry." Q Wilton Sun, Howard P Forman, Joseph S Ross. Clinical Trials 2024.
- “Large Language Models as an Inexpensive and Effective Extra Set of Eyes in Radiology Reporting." Forman HP. Radiology 2024. 311: 1; e240844
Adriana Germano:
- “Investigating cortisol in the classroom: The association between cortisol and academic performance." Park, H. J., Turetsky, K. M., Dahl, J. L., Pasek, M. H., Germano, A. L., Harper, J. O., Purdie-Greenaway, V., Cohen, G. L., & Cook, J. E. (2024). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- “Did descriptive and prescriptive norms about gender equality at home change during the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-national investigation." Saxler, F. M., Dorrough, A. R., … Germano, A. L., ..., & Martiny, S. E. (2024). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Stefano Giglio:
- “Equity Term Structures without Dividend Strips Data,” with Bryan Kelly and Serhiy Kozak, Journal of Finance, (2024), 79 (6)
- “Recent Developments in Financial Risk and the Real Economy,” with Ian Dew-Becker, Annual Review of Financial Economics, (2024), 16 (4):1-22
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham:
- “Heterogeneous Real Estate Agents and the Housing Cycle” with Sonia Gilbukh (November 2024, Review of Financial Studies)
- “Contamination Bias in Linear Regression” with Peter Hull and Michal Kolesár (December 2024, American Economic Review)
- “Can a Trusted Messenger Change Behavior when Information is Plentiful? Evidence from the First Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic in West Bengal” with Abhijit Banerjee, Marcella Alsan, Emily Breza, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Abhijit Chowdhury, Esther Duflo, and Benjamin A. Olken (September 2024, Review of Economics and Statistics)
Beth Anne Helgason:
- “Moral or lawful? When legal constraints reverse the motivational benefits of moral considerations." Kundro, T.G., Croitoru, N.L., & Helgason, B.A. (2024). Organization Science.
- “‘It’s not literally true, but you get the gist’: How nuanced understandings of truth encourage people to condone and spread misinformation.” Langdon, J.A., Helgason, B.A., Qiu, J., & Effron, D.A. (2024). Current Opinion in Psychology, 57, 101788.
Kyle Jensen:
- “The Ethics of Entrepreneurship Education,” Kyle Jensen, MIT Press, 2024
Ed Kaplan:
- “Optimal evaluation policies to identify students with reading disabilities." Akshaya Suresh, Edward H. Kaplan, Edieal J. Pinker, Jeffrey R. Gruen. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 98, 2025.
Bryan Kelly:
- “Machine learning and the implementable efficient frontier” (with T. Jensen, S. Malamud, and L. Pedersen) Review of Financial Studies (2024)
- “Forecasting the Distribution of Option Returns” (with L. Gomez and R. Isrealov) Journal of Investment Management (2024)
- “Business News and Business Cycles” (with L. Bybee, A. Manela, and D. Xiu) Journal of Finance (2024)
- “Equity term structures without dividend strips data” (with S. Giglio and S. Kozak) Journal of Finance (2024)
- “Factor-Mimicking Portfolios for Climate Risk” (with G. De Nard and R. Engle) Financial Analysts Journals (2024)
- “The Virtue of Complexity in Return Prediction” (with S. Malamud and K. Zhou) Journal of Finance (2024)
Balazs Kovacs:
- “The Turing test of online reviews: Can we tell the difference between human-written and GPT-4 written online reviews?” Balázs Kovács (2024). Marketing Letters
- “Studying travel networks using establishment co-visit networks in online review data.” Balázs Kovács (2024). Socius 10: 1-14.
- “Five is the brightest star. But by how much? Testing the equidistance of star ratings in online reviews.” Balázs Kovács (2024). Organizational Research Methods.
Vineet Kumar:
- “Nonparametric Pricing Bandits Leveraging Informational Externalities to Learn the Demand Curve”, with Ian Weaver and Lalit Jain, (Accepted at Marketing Science)
- “A Theory-Based Explainable Deep Learning Architecture for Music Emotion”, with
Hortense Fong and K. Sudhir, Marketing Science (Accepted 2024) 44(1) - “Generative Interpretable Visual Design: Using Disentanglement for Visual Conjoint Analysis,” with Ankit Sisodia and Alex Burnap, Journal of Marketing Research (Accepted 2024)
- “Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox,” with K. Sudhir, Management Science (Accepted 2024) 71(1)
- “Estimating Demand for Subscriptions: Identifying Willingness to Pay without Price Variation,” with Cheng Chou, Marketing Science (Accepted 2024) 43(4)
- “On the Friendship Paradox and Inversity: A Network Property with Applications to Privacy-sensitive Network Interventions,” with David Krackhardt and Scott Feld, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Accepted 2024) 121 (30)
Cameron LaPoint:
- “Property Tax Policy and Housing Affordability,” Emily Horton, Cameron LaPoint, Byron Lutz, Nathan Seegert, and Jared Walczak. The National Tax Journal in December 2024.
Vahideh Manshadi:
- “Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic.” Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz, Daniela Saban, and Akshaya Suresh. Management Science, Articles In Advance, 2024.
- “Commitment on Volunteer Crowdsourcing Platforms: Implications for Growth and Engagement.” Irene Lo, Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz, and Ali Shameli. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(5):1787-1805, 2024.
- “Dynamic Matching with Post-allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement.” Kirk Bansak, Soonbong Lee, Vahideh Manshadi, Rad Niazadeh, and Elisabeth Paulson. Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024.
- “Commitment on Volunteer Crowdsourcing Platforms: Implications for Growth and Engagement.” Irene Lo, Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz, and Ali Shameli. Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024.
Faidra Monachou:
- “Optimal allocation via waitlists: Simplicity through information design.” Ashlagi, Itai, Faidra Monachou, and Afshin Nikzad. Review of Economic Studies 92, no. 1 (2025): 40-68.
Barry Nalebuff:
- “Symmetry and the Sixth Force: The Essential Role of Complements,” (with Adam Brandenburger), CPI Antitrust Chronicle, November 2024, 1–9.
Nathan Novemsky:
- “Positive Contrast Scope Insensitivity." Voichek, G., & Novemsky, N. (2024). Journal of Consumer Research.
Jayanti Owens:
- “Racial/Ethnic Heterogeneity in the Relationship Between an Early Elementary School ADHD Diagnosis and Later Child Wellbeing.” Owens, Jayanti and Xinyan (Joyce) Cao. 2024. RSF: The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences 10(1): 205-228.
Aneesh Raghunandan:
- “Do Socially Responsible Firms Walk the Talk?." Aneesh Raghunandan and Shiva Rajgopal. The Journal of Law and Economics 2024 67:4, 767-810
- “When do firms deliver on the jobs they promise in return for state aid?." Dong, Q., Raghunandan, A. & Rajgopal, S. Rev Account Stud 29, 3633–3678 (2024).
- “The Impact of Information Frictions Within Regulators: Evidence from Workplace Safety Violations”. Raghunandan, A. and Ruchti, T.G. (2024), Journal of Accounting Research, 62: 1067-1120.
- “Government Subsidies and Corporate Misconduct." Raghunandan, A. (2024). Journal of Accounting Research, 62: 1449-1496.
- “Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?." Jitendra Aswani, Aneesh Raghunandan, Shiva Rajgopal, Review of Finance, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 75–106
Tony Sheldon:
- “Evidence in Practice: How Structural and Programmatic Scaffolds Enable Collaboration in International Development." Canales, R., Bradbury, M., Sheldon, A., & Cannon, C. (2024). Administrative Science Quarterly, 69(3), 655-710.
Jiwoong Shin:
- “Targeted Advertising as an Implicit Recommendation and Personal Data Opt-Out,” Ning, Eddie, Jiwoong Shin, and Jungju Yu (2024), Marketing Science, forthcoming
- “The Role of Messenger in Advertising Content: Bayesian Persuasion Perspective,” Shin, Jiwoong and Chi-Ying Wang (2024), Marketing Science, 43(4), 840–862.
- “Predictive Analytics and Ship-then-shop Subscription,” Choi, Jason, Qihong Liu, and Jiwoong Shin (2024) Management Science, 70(2), 1012-1028.
Alp Simsek:
- “Central Banks, Stock Markets, and the Real Economy”, with Ricardo Caballero. The Annual Review of Financial Economics (2024), vol. 16
- “Monetary Policy and Asset Price Overshooting: A Rationale for the Wall/Main Street Disconnect”, with Ricardo Caballero. Journal of Finance (2024), 79(3), p 1719
Deb Small:
- “Ethical Judgments of Poverty Depictions in the Context of Charity Advertising”, Duncan, Shannon M., Deborah A. Small, and Emma E. Levine (2024), Cognition, 245.
- “Put your mouth where your money is: A field experiment encouraging donors to share about charity”, Silver, Ike M. and Deborah A. Small, (2024), Marketing Science.
Jeff Sonnenfeld:
- “Biggest CEO Successes and Setbacks: 2023’s Triumphs and 2024’s Challenges.” Fortune.
- “Harvard’s Board is Guilty of 5 Key Failures. Here’s How to Avoid Repeating Them.” Fortune.
- “The Worst 45 Minute Film You Will Ever See.” Time.
- “OpenAI’s Boardroom Boomerang.” Corporate Board Member.
- “Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun Is on The Hot Seat. Here Are Three Concrete Steps He Must Take To Restore The Company’s Credibility.” Fortune.
- “Nelson Peltz Is Still Trying to Get Seats on Disney’s Board—But Bob Iger Is No Easy Target.” Fortune.
- “Connecticut is Open for Business. This is How and Why.” Hartford Courant.
- “It’s Misguided to Say that CEOs are Warming to Trump. Here’s Why.” Time.
- “Why the US Has the Most to Gain from Supporting Ukraine.” Time.
- “How a Divided America Emboldens Putin’s Aggression.” Time.
- “Boeing is Tackling Its ‘Good Ole Boys’ Culture—But the Company Still Has A Long Way To Go Before It Gets The Production and Financials Right.” Fortune.
- “Nelson Peltz is America’s Most Overrated Activist Investor. Here’s What The Experts Missed About His Performance.” Fortune.
- “The Latest Sanctions on Russia Won’t Be Sufficient. Here’s What Would Be.” Fortune.
- “5 Myths Critics Get Wrong About Bob Iger’s Performance at Disney.” Time.
- “CT Pensions Hit $55 Billion With Strong ’23.” CT Insider.
- “Inside the Cockpit at Boeing: Here are the 5 Candidates for CEO as Dave Calhoun Exits.” Fortune.
- “Connecticut’s Pension Fund Was Once Second Worst in the Nation. Its Progress is Breathtaking.” Hartford Courant.
- “Disagreement with ISS Concerning Activist Investor Nelson Peltz.” Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
- “CT’s Investment Performance Improves, But Weighed Down by Past.” Inside Investigator.
- “Why Bob Iger’s Strategy for the Next Decade of Growth at Disney Promises a Magic Carpet Ride for the Magic Kingdom’s Future.” Fortune.
- “10 Recommendations to Reform Management of CT Public Pension Funds.” Hartford Courant.
- “The Bitter Board Lessons of Harvard’s Disaster.” Corporate Board Member.
- “Chamberlain Never Morphed into Churchill, But Mike Johnson Followed Vandenberg’s Patriotic Conversion.” Newsweek.
- “A Path for CT to Avoid Calamitous Costs to State Government.” Hartford Courant.
- “Norfolk Southern Is Getting Back on Track—But Activist Investor Ancora Is Trying to Derail It In Vicious Proxy Fight.” Fortune.
- “The CEOs Who Just Won’t Quit.” The New York Times.
- “Norfolk Southern Pulling Out of The Station After Proxy Fight, Leaving Activist Ancora In The Dust.” Railway Age
- “It’s Time to Direct Russia’s Frozen Assets to Ukraine.” Time.
- “How Activist Investors Are Deactivating with Proxy Battle Losses.” CNBC.
- “The Board as Mentor.” Corporate Board Member.
- “Succeeding at Succession—How Harvard Got It Wrong and Yale Got It Right.” Corporate Board Member.
- “The Coming MAGA Assault on Capitalism.” Time.
- “Activist Investors are Suffering Grueling Defeats in Proxy Fights—But They Can Still Matter. When They Pick the Right Battle.” Fortune.
- “200 Top CEOs Reveal How AI Is Already Transforming Their Sectors at Yale Summit.” Fortune.
- “Trump’s Campaign Message About Inflation Is Wrong on His Promises—And on Biden’s Success.” Time.
- “What America’s Leading CEOs Really Think of Donald Trump.” The New York Times.
- “Why Biden’s Best Defense Is a Good Offense For The Presidential Debate.” Time.
- “Here’s How Biden Can Bounce Back from The Disastrous Presidential Debate.” Time.
- “Should Joe Biden Stop His Presidential Campaign? Here’ How He Can Still Fire Back—Maybe.” Time.
- “If Joe Biden Steps Aside, Kamala Harris Should Be Included but Not Anointed.” Time.
- “JD Vance’s Selection As Trump’s Running Mate Frightens Business Leaders.” Time.
- “Tech Billionaires’ Trump-Vance Dance Misses the Point.” Fortune.
- “What Joe Biden’s Decision Teaches Us About Leaders Leaving.” Time.
- “Biden Follows a Long Line of Western Leaders Who Voluntarily Surrendered Power at End of Heroic Journey.” Fortune.
- “7 Reasons Why CEOs Are Excited About Kamala Harris.” Time.
- “The Trump Dump Is Back—And the Stocks That He Targets Are Crashing.” Fortune.
- “Norfolk Southern Proving Critics Wrong.” Railway Age.
- “How Josh Shapiro Could Help Kamala Harris Win.” Time.
- “How Kamala Harris’s Selection of Tim Walz Offers Meaningful Contrast to Donald Trump’s Running Mate Decision.” Time.
- “Why Ukraine’s Surprise Incursion on Russia Should Give Us Hope.” Time.
- “The WSJ’s Evan Gershkovich Had His Employer’s Support—But That’s Now Always the Case for Employees on An Overseas Mission.” Fortune.
- “Brian Nicchol May Well Be The Messiah Starbucks—and Howard Schultz—Have Been Looking For.” Fortune.
- “An Economic Catastrophe Is Lurking Beneath Russia’s GDP Growth.” Fortune.
- “Why CEOs Stay in Tim Walz’s Minnesota.” Time.
- “Donors Quietly Push Harris to Drop Tax On Ultrawealthy.” The New York Times.
- “Inflation, Housing, Immigration, Taxes—The Harris-Walz Economic Policy Scorecard.” Fortune.
- “Here’s How Kamala Harris Can Communicate Better in Future Interviews.” Time.
- “Harris Must Awaken the Nation from the Sleeper Effect And Dispel False Trumpaganda.” Fortune.
- “How Kamala Harris Can Sharpen Her Economic Case.” Time.
- “After 2 Years of Peddling Putin’s Propaganda, The IMF is Returning to Russia.” Fortune.
- “The Words of Wisdom from The Late Bill Donaldson.” Corporate Board Member.
- “Why Top CEOs Tell Us They Are Optimistic About the U.S. Economy.” Time.
- “Why Business Support for Harris-Walz is Growing.” Time.
- “How the Death of Hezbollah’s Nasrallah Brings A Renewed Opportunity for Mideast Peace.” Time.
- “Kamala Harris Is Closing In On The Perfect Economic Message—But The Left’s Price Gouging Exaggerations Could Undermine It.” Fortune.
- “It’s Time To Tighten Enforcement of Iran Oil Sanctions.” Time.
- “How Donald Trump Ignites His True Believers with Vilification.” Time.
- “Here Are the Facts That Activist Critics of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Are Missing.” Fortune.
- “We Need to Stop Paying Attention to Undecided Voters.” Time.
- “Kamala Harris Can Win By Embracing the Biden-Harris Record.” Time.
- “Re-Thinking the Hostility Towards Dual-Class Share Structures: When Dual-Class Shares Work Better.” Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
- “Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar’s Death Can Bring the Middle East Closer To Peace.” Time.
- “Founder Mode Reality Check.” Chief Executive.
- “University Presidents Should Not Silence Themselves.” Time.
- “The Biden-Harris Manufacturing Track Record.” Fortune.
- “Political Prediction Markets Are Easily Manipulated.” Time.
- “As Activist Starboard Engages Constructively, Here’s Pfizer’s Prescription for Success.” Fortune.
- “How America Can Stand Up to Putin’s Axis of Evil.” Time.
- “Why 20 CEOs Endorse Harris.” Fortune.
- “How CEOs Should Navigate the Trump Presidency.” Time.
- “Donald Trump’s Return Could Bring a More Peaceful Middle East.” Time.
- “Democrats Should Have Celebrated Economic Successes But Were Intimidated.” Fortune.
- “Celebrating the Biden Economy.” Time.
- “The Far Left and Far Right Are Coming Together.” Time.
- “Why CEOs Support Scott Bessent.” Time.
- “The Good, Bad, and Ugly in Trump’s Cabinet.” Fortune.
- “The Targeting & Murder of Executives is Un-American.” Chief Executive.
- “Syria Could Be the Beginning of the End of Putin’s Imperial Ambitions.” Time.
- “What 200 CEOs Told Me About Their Hopes for the Trump Admin.” Time.
- “What Critics Get Wrong About the Ivy League.” Time.
- “How Jimmy Carter Lost His Job but Found His Mission—A Personal Remembrance.” Newsweek.
- “How Trump’s Rebound Might Impact Connecticut’s Economy Moving Forward.” Hartford Courant.
- “Five Underrecognized Standout CEOs of the Year.” Fortune.
Ted Snyder:
- “A Counterfactual Analysis of Amazon’s Acquisitions Under the 2023 Merger Guidelines” (co-authors I. Simmons and S. Zaslavsky), Review of Industrial Organization Vol. 64, Issue 5, August 2024, pp. 177-212.
K. Sudhir:
- “Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox” (with Vineet Kumar), Management Science, Published Online, December 2024.
- “A Theory-Based Explainable Deep Learning Architecture for Music Emotion,” (with Hortense Fong and Vineet Kumar), Marketing Science, Published Online, Sep 2024.
- “AI and AI-human based Salesforce Hiring using Interview Videos,” (with Ishita Chakraborty, Khai Chiong and Howard Dover), Marketing Science, Published Online, Sep 2024.
- “Separating substitution and psychological effects of price with a two-step conjoint approach: Application to luxury goods,” (with Yao Y.A. and Sha Yang), International Journal of Research in Marketing, June 2024.
Tong Wang:
- “Improving Decision Sparsity.” Yiyang Sun, Tong Wang, and Cynthia Rudin. NeurIPS – Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024
- “Sparse and Faithful Explanations Without Sparse Models." Zhi Chen, Yiyang Sun, Vittorio Orland, Tong Wang, and Cynthia Rudin. AISTATS - Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Conference, 2024
- “Making Early and Accurate Deep Learning Predictions to Help Disadvantaged Individuals in Medical Crowdfunding." Tong Wang, Fujie Jin, Lu Feng, Yuan Cheng, Yu Hu. POM - Production and Operations Management, 2024
Edward Watts:
- “Diversity Washing.” Andrew c. Baker, David F. Larcker, Charles G. Mcclure, Durgesh Saraph, Edward M. Watts. Journal of Accounting Research. 12/2024.
- “Retail investors and ESG news.” Qianqian Li a, Edward M. Watts, Christina Zhu. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 12 July 2024.
- “Earnings News and Over-the-Counter Markets.” Stefan J. Huber, Chongho Kim, Edward M. Watts. 07 February 2024. Journal of Accounting Research.
Kevin Williams:
- “Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding.” with Joyee Deb and Aniko Öry. American Economic Review, Volume 114, Issue 12, Pages 3847–3876
Kai Hao Yang:
- “Monotone Function Intervals.” Kai Hao Yang and Alexander K. Zentefis. 2024. American Economic Review114(8): 2239-2270 (lead article)
- “Privacy-Preserving Signals.” Philipp Strack and Kai Hao Yang. 2024. Econometrica 92(6): 1907-1938.
Gal Zauberman:
- “The relationship between political ideology and judgements of bias in distributional outcomes." Kim, Jin and Gal Zauberman (2024). Nature Human Behaviour. 8, 228–242.
- “Judgements of bias vary with observers’ political ideology and targets’ characteristics." Kim, Jin and Gal Zauberman (2024). Research Briefing. Nature Human Behaviour. 8, 203–204.
Frank Zhang:
- “Do buy-side participants in earnings conference calls manipulate stock prices?” (with Gang Hu, Michael Jung, Bonnie Yu, and Franco Wong), Journal of Corporate Finance, 2024.
- “The Effect of Dispersion on the Informativeness of Consensus Analyst Target Prices” (With Asa Palley and Thomas Steffen). Management Science, 2024.
- “Earnings management via not-wholly-owned subsidiaries” (With Mei Luo and Xinyi Zhang). Management Science, 2024.
- “Understanding analysts’ use of macroeconomic news” (with Dan Dai and Hui Ding). Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 2024
Lian Zhen:
- “Capturing the Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles in Ride Hailing: The Role of Market Configuration." Zhen Lian, Garrett van Ryzin. Management Science. April 20, 2024.
Jidong Zhou:
- “Personalized Pricing and Competition,” (with Andrew Rhodes), American Economic Review, 2024, 114(7), 2141-2170.
Awards and Honors
Barbara Biasi:
Tristan Botelho:
- One of 30 selected for Thinkers50 Radar List of up-and-coming thinkers in management
Jennifer Dannals:
- Received the Best Reviewer Award at Organization Science.
Julia DiBenigno:
- Received the Organization Science Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2024
Christopher Clayton:
- Received Best Paper Award in Geoeconomics, junior researchers, CEPR-Kiel-Bocconi, for “A Framework for Geoeconomics”
Todd Cort:
- One of 30 selected for Thinkers50 Radar List of up-and-coming thinkers in management
Howard Forman:
Bryan Kelly:
- Received the Journal of Finance Dimensional Fund Advisors Distinguished Paper Prize, the Q Group Jack Treynor Prize, and the Q Group Roger F. Murray Prize
Balazs Kovacs:
- Received an the Academy of Management Annals Best Paper Award
- Was asked to be a keynote speaker at SCOPES Paper Development Workshop, ESADE
Vahideh Manshadi:
- First place, Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize (awarded by INFORMS Auctions and Market Design Section) for “Dynamic Matching with Post-allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement”, 2024 - entrant: S. Lee
- First place, MSOM Best Student Paper Prize for “Dynamic Matching with Post-allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement”, 2024 - entrant: S. Lee
- Finalist, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Award for “Redesigning Volunteer Match’s Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers”, 2024
- Finalist, Service Science Best Student Paper Competition for “Redesigning Volunteer Match’s Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers”, 2024 - entrant: A. Suresh
- Finalist, Revenue Management & Pricing Practice Award for “Redesigning Volunteer Match’s Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers”, 2024
- Received Dean’s Office Research Grant, Yale School of Management
Toby Moskowitz:
- Received 25th Annual Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy Award for Best Article in the Journal of Portfolio Management
Jiwoong Shin:
- Senior Editor, Marketing Science
Kelly Shue:
- Received the Review of Corporate Finance Studies Award for Best Paper, for “Do Managers Do Good with Other People’s Money?” by Ing-Haw Cheng, Harrison Hong and Kelly Shue
Deb Small:
- Received AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing
K. Sudhir:
- Won the 2024 Best Paper in AI and Marketing Award from the AMA AI Special Interest Group, for “AI and AI-Human Based Salesforce Hiring”
Diana Van Patten:
- Received the Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Kai Hao Yang:
- Received Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review: Insights