Yale SOM Welcomes MBA for Executives Class of 2026
A group of accomplished leaders from a variety of industries arrived at Evans Hall on July 12 for orientation and their first on-campus residency.
SOM’s newest MBA for Executives (EMBA) class arrived at Edward P. Evans Hall on July 12 for the two-week orientation and residency period that begins their 22-month program.
The Class of 2026 totals 73 students. This year, the EMBA program is debuting a newly restructured curriculum that lets students either specialize in one of the program’s three areas of focus—Healthcare, Sustainability, and Asset Management—or choose courses and colloquia speakers from across all three areas.
The new class is 44% women, 51% U.S. students of color, and 32% U.S. underrepresented students of color. Students born abroad constitute 31% of the class, and veterans and active-duty members of the military constitute 11%.
A group of leaders from a variety of industries and sectors, the class includes medical practitioners, accountants, members of the military, engineers, financial managers, and consultants.
The Class of 2026 is also academically accomplished, with 63% already holding advanced degrees in areas such as medicine, pharmaceutical studies, law, public health, philosophy, and engineering.
Sixty-seven percent of the class comes from the for-profit sector, while 23% comes from the nonprofit sector, and 10% from government.
During their first year in the program, students will take Yale SOM’s integrated core curriculum while participating in colloquia that convene leaders in each area of focus. In the second year, students will take advanced courses in management and in the three areas of focus.