Surrounded by Culture and History
MBA for Executives student Charina Amunategui ’24 takes a trip to the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

As an executive MBA student at Yale SOM, I feel incredibly fortunate to have access to the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, home to some of the world's most valuable and historically significant manuscripts.
During my recent visit, I had the opportunity to hold in my own hands the Book of Hours once belonging to St. Thomas More, former chancellor of England to Henry VIII and a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. More wrote a prayer in the margins of this book, which he had with him in the Tower of London during his imprisonment and trial for treason in 1534.

I also had the chance to view a truly unique item—a 1648 bond that was issued to finance dike building in Holland. It still pays annual interest 375 years later!
As we approach the halfway point of the MBA for Executives program, I cannot help but reflect on the incredible resources afforded to us at Yale University. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from some of the world's leading experts and to be surrounded by such a rich history and culture.
This post originally appeared on LinkedIn and was reprinted with permission.