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Recent Faculty Research and Honors

Faculty publications, awards, and honors over the last year. 

Barbara Biasi:

  • Biasi, Barbara, and Heather Sarsons. “Flexible Wages, Bargaining, and The Gender Gap.”Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 137(1), pp. 215-266, February 2022.
  • Barbara Biasi. “School Finance Equalization Increases Intergenerational Mobility.” Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 41, Number 1, January 2023.

Zachary Bleemer:

  • Zachary Bleemer. “Affirmative Action, Mismatch, and Economic Mobility after California’s Proposition 209.”The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 137, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 115–160,
  • Bleemer, Zachary, and Aashish Mehta. 2022. “Will Studying Economics Make You Rich? A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of the Returns to College Major.”American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14 (2): 1-22.

Tristan Botelho:

  • Botelho and Gertsberg (2022). “The Disciplining Effect of Status: Evaluator Status Awards and Observed Gender Bias in Evaluations.”Management Science 68(7):5311-5329.

Lorenzo Caliendo:

  • “A comment on: Globalization, trade imbalances and inequality”, Journal of Monetary Economics: Volume 133, 2023
  • “Distortions and the Structure of the World Economy,” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics: Volume 14:4, October 2022, joint with Fernando Parro and Aleh Tsyvinski
  • “Trade Policy” Handbook of International Economics, Volume V, 2022, Joint with Fernando Parro

Teresa Chahine:

Kerwin Charles:

  • “The Effects of Sexism on American Women: The Role of Norms vs. Discrimination,.”(with Jonathan Guryan and Jessica Pan), Journal of Human Resources, November 2022.
  • “Estimating the Effects of Milk Inspections on Infant and Child Mortality, 1880−1910,.”(with Mark D. Anderson, Michael McKelligott, and Daniel I. Rees) AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2022, Vol. 112, pp. 188-192.
  • “Re-Examining the Contribution of Public Health Efforts to the Decline in Urban Mortality,.”(with D. Mark Anderson and Daniel Rees) American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2022, Vol. 14(2), pp. 126-157.
  • “Demand Conditions and Worker Safety: Evidence from Price Shocks in Mining,.”(with Matthew S. Johnson, Melvin Stephens Jr., and Do Q. Lee) Journal of Labor Economics, January 2022, Vol. 40(1).

Judy Chevalier:

  • Chevalier, Judith A., et al. "JUE insight: distributional impacts of retail vaccine availability."Journal of Urban Economics 127 (2022)

Christopher Clayton:

  • Christopher Clayton, Andreas Schaab, “Multinational Banks and Financial Stability”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 137, Issue 3, August 2022, Pages 1681–1736,

Corey Cusimano:

  • Cusimano, C., & Lombrozo, T. (2023). “People acknowledge and condone their own morally motivated reasoning.”

Jennifer Dannals:

  • Dannals, J. E., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2022). “How people deal with outliers.”Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.
  • Srinivasan, P., Alzahawi, S., Dannals, J. E., & Halevy, N. (2022). “The strategy of social change: Support for black lives matter as advocacy, solidarity, and allyship.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
  • Dannals, J. E., Halali, E., Kopelman, S., & Halevy, N. (2022). “Power, constraint, and cooperation in groups: The role of communication.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 100.
  • K. L. Milkman, Gandhi, L., Patel, M.S. Dannals, J.E. Duckworth, A.L. (2022). “A 680,000-person megastudy of nudges to encourage vaccination in pharmacies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(6).

Raphael Duguay:

  • Duguay, R. (2022). “The Economic Consequences of Financial Audit Regulation in the Charitable Sector.” Journal of Accounting Research, 60(4), 1463-1498.

Julia DiBenigno:

  • DiBenigno, J. 2022. “How Idealized Professional Identities Can Persist through Client Interactions.”Administrative Science Quarterly, 67: 865-912.

Florian Ederer:

  • Florian Ederer and Frédéric Schneider. “Trust and Promises over Time.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 304-320, August 2022.
  • Miguel Antón, Florian Ederer, Mireia Giné, and Martin Schmalz. “Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives.” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 131, No. 5, May 2023.
  • Miguel Antón, Florian Ederer, Mireia Giné, and Bruno Pellegrino. “Mergers and Acquisitions under Common Ownership.” AEA Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 113, May 2023.
  • Florian Ederer and Bruno Pellegrino. “The Great Startup Sellout and Rise of Oligopoly.” AEA Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 113, May 2023.

Oriane Georgeac:

  • Georgeac, O. A. M., & Rattan, A. (2022). “The business case for diversity backfires: Detrimental effects of organizations’ instrumental diversity rhetoric for underrepresented group members’ sense of belonging.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 124(1), 69–108. doi: 10.1037/pspi0000394

Soheil Ghili:

  • Soheil Ghili (2022). “Network Formation and Bargaining in Vertical Markets: The Case of Narrow Networks in Health Insurance.” Marketing Science 41(3):501-527.
  • Minkyu Shin, Jiwoong Shin, Soheil Ghili, Jaehwan Kim (2022). “The Impact of the Gig Economy on Product Quality Through the Labor Market: Evidence from Ridesharing and Restaurant Quality.”Management Science,

Stephano Giglio:

  • “The Collateral Rule: Evidence from the Credit Default Swap Market,” with Agostino Capponi, Allen Cheng, Chuan Du, and Richard Haynes, Journal of Monetary Economics (2022), 126: 58-86
  • “Factor Models, Machine Learning, and Asset Pricing,” with Bryan Kelly and Dacheng Xiu, Annual Review of Financial Economics (2022), 14:337-368
  • “The effect of climate risks on the interactions between financial markets and energy companies,” with Arthur van Benthem, Edmund Crooks, Eugenie Schwob and Johannes Stroebel, Nature Energy (2022), 7: 690–697

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham:

Ivana Katic:

Edward Kaplan:

  • Kaplan EH, Zulli A, Sanchez M and Peccia J. “Scaling SARS-CoV-2 wastewater concentrations to population estimates of infection.”Scientific Reports 12, Article number: 3487 (2022).

Bryan Kelly:

  • “Principal Portfolios.” Journal of Finance (with S. Malamud and L. Pedersen)
  • “Factor Models, Machine Learning, And Asset Pricing.”Annual Review of Financial Economics (with S. Giglio and D. Xiu)
  • “A Factor Model for Option Returns.”Journal of Financial Economics (with M. Buechner)

Balázs Kovács:

  • Giacomo Negro, Balázs Kovács, Glenn R. Carroll (2022) “What’s next? Artists’ music after Grammy Awards. American Sociological Review 87(4): 644–674.
  • Gokhan Ertug, Julia Brennecke, Balázs Kovács, and Tengjian Zou (2022) “What does homophily do? A review of the consequences of homophily.” Academy of Management Annals 16(1): 38–69.
  • Glenn R. Carroll, Balázs Kovács (2022) “Authenticity: Meanings, targets, audiences and third Parties” Research in Organizational Behavior 41: 100149.

Vahideh Manshadi:

  • Mahsa Derakhshan, Negin Golrezaei, Vahideh Manshadi, and Vahab Mirrokni. “Product Ranking on Online Platforms.” Management Science, vol. 68, no. 6, 2022, pp. 4024-4041.
  • Saed Alizamir, Ningyuan Chen, Sang Kim, and Vahideh Manshadi. “Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing.” Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 47, no. 3, 2022, pp. 1999-2033.
  • Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz, Daniela Saban, and Akshaya Suresh. “Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic.”Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2022.

Jayanti Owens:

Taly Reich:

  • Fulmer, Alexander G. and Taly Reich (forthcoming), “The Biography of Discovery: How Unintentional Discovery of Resources Influences Choice and Preference,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Selected Press: Harvard Business Review
  • Lin, Stephanie C., Taly Reich, and Tamar Kreps (forthcoming), “Feeling Good or Feeling Right: Sustaining Negative Emotion Following Human Suffering,” Journal of Marketing Research.
  • Reich, Taly, Alexander Kaju, and Sam Maglio (2022), “How to Overcome Algorithm Aversion: Learning from Mistakes,.”Journal of Consumer Psychology. Selected Press: The Wall Street Journal, Yale Insights
  • Reich, Taly, Alexander Fulmer, and Ravi Dhar (2022), “In the Face of Self-threat: Why Ambivalence Heightens People’s Willingness to Act,.”Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 168, 1-12. Selected Press: The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, Yale Insights
  • Fulmer, Alexander and Taly Reich (2022), “Unintentional Inception: When a Premium is Offered to Unintentional Creations,.”Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1-13. Selected Press: Yale Center for Customer Insights

Jiwoong Shin:

  • Choi, Jason, Qihong Liu, and Jiwoong Shin (2023) “Predictive Analytics and Ship-then-shop Subscription,.”Management Science, forthcoming
  • Ke, Tony, Jiwoong Shin, and Jungju Yu (2022), “A Model of Product Portfolio Design: Guiding Consumer Search through Brand Positioning,” Marketing Science, Published Online in Articles in Advance.
  • Shin, Jiwoong and Woochoel Shin (2022), “A Theory of Irrelevant Advertising: An Agency-Induced Targeting Ineffic`iency,.”Management Science, Published Online in Articles in Advance.
  • Shin, Minkyu, Jiwoong Shin, Soheil Ghili, and Jaehwan Kim (2022), “The Impact of Gig Economy on Product Quality through the Labor Market: Evidence from Ride-sharing and Restaurant Quality,” Management Science, Published Online in Articles in Advance.
  • Mittendorf, Brian, Jiwoong Shin, and Dae-Hee Yoon (2022), "Ratcheting of Profitability Expectations and its Consequence for Supply Chains," Journal of Marketing Research, 59(2), 290-305.

Matthew Spiegel:

Thomas Steffen:

  • Thomas D. Steffen (2022). “The Information Asymmetry Effects of Expanded Disclosures About Derivative and Hedging Activities.” Management Science 68(8):6298-6325.

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld:

K. Sudhir:

  • “Privacy Rights and Data Security: GDPR and Personal Data Driven Markets” (with Tony Ke),Management Science, Published Online December 2022
  • “A Structural Model of Organizational Buying for B2B Markets: Innovation Diffusion and Market Share Contracts,” (with Navid Mojir),Journal of Marketing Research, May 2022.
  • “Optimal Inter-release Time Between Sequentially Released Products,.”(with Jackie Luan), Customer Needs and Solutions, March 2022.
  • “Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Attribute Self-Selection,” (with Ishita Chakraborty and Minkyung Kim),Journal of Marketing Research, March 2022.

Jake Thomas:

  • “Measuring the information content of accounting disclosures: The role of return noise.” (with Frank Zhang and Wei Zhu) The Accounting Review, 97, No. 6, October 2022, pp. 417–443, DOI:
  • “Meet, beat, and pollute.” (with Wentao Yao, Frank Zhang, and Wei Zhu) Review of Accounting Studies (2022) 27:1038–1078,

Heather Tookes:

  • “Female Representation in the Academic Finance Profession” with Mila Getmansky Sherman, 2022, Journal of Finance 77(1), 317-365.
  • “All or Nothing? Partial Business Shutdowns and COVID-19 Fatality Growth”, with Matthew Spiegel, 2022, PLOS ONE 17(2): e0262925.

Kosuke Uetake:

Diana Van Patten:

  • Esteban Méndez, Diana Van Patten. “Multinationals, Monopsony, and Local Development: Evidence from the United Fruit Company.”Econometrica, Vol. 90, No. 6 (November 2022), 2685–2721.

Eddie Watts:

Amy Wrzesniewski

  • Berg, J. M., Wrzesniewski, A., Grant, A. M., Kurkoski, J., & Welle, B. (2022). “Getting unstuck: The effects of growth mindsets about the self and job on happiness at work.”Journal of Applied Psychology, 108, 152-166.

Kai Hao Yang:

  • Yang, Kai Hao. “Selling Consumer Data for Profit: Optimal Market-Segmentation Design and Its Consequences.” American Economic Review, 112 (4): 1364-93.

Tauhid Zaman:

  • des Mesnards, N. G., Hunter, D. S., el Hjouji, Z., & Zaman, T. "Detecting Bots and Assessing Their Impact in Social Networks". Operations Research, (2022).
  • Hunter, David Scott, and Tauhid Zaman. "Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents."Operations Research (2022).
  • Marks, Christopher Edward, and Tauhid Zaman. "Building a Location-Based Set of Social Media Users." Operations Research (2022)

Gal Zauberman:

  • Han, Minju, Guy Voichek, and Gal Zauberman (in press). “COVID Time: How Quarantine Affects Feelings of Elapsed Time.”Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.*Pandemic Transformed Economy Issue
  • Lee, Sangil, Trishala Parthasarathi, Nicole Cooper, Gal Zauberman, Caryn Lerman, and Joseph W. Kable (2022). “A Neural Signature of the Vividness of Prospective Thought Is Modulated by Temporal Proximity during Intertemporal Decision-Making.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 119 (44).
  • Silverman, Jackie, Alixandra Barasch, Kristin Diehl, and Gal Zauberman (2022). “Harder Than You Think: Misconceptions about Logging Food with Photos versus Text.” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. 7(4), 419-428. *Interventions for Healthier Eating Issue
  • Diehl, Kristin and Gal Zauberman (2022). “Capturing life or missing it: how mindful photo-taking can affect experiences.”Current Opinion in Psychology. 46:101334

Alexander Zentefis:

  • “Self-Fulfilling Asset Prices. Review of Asset Pricing Studies,12(4): 886–917 (2022)
  • “Corporate Culture.”(with Gary Gorton and Jillian Grennan), Annual Review of Financial Economics, 14: 535-561 (2022)

Frank Zhang:

  • “Using economic links between firms to detect accounting fraud.”(With Chenchen Li and Ningzhong Li). The Accounting Review, 2022.
  • “Measuring the information content of disclosures: The role of return noise.”(with Jacob Thomas and Wei Zhu). The Accounting Review, Oct 2022.
  • “Meet, beat, and pollute.”(with Jacob Thomas, Wentao Yao, and Wei Zhu). Review of Accounting Studies, June 2022.

Jidong Zhou:

Seth Zimmerman:

  • Michelman, Valerie, Joseph Price, and Seth Zimmerman. “Old boys’ clubs and upward mobility among the educational elite.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137, no. 2 (2022): 845-909.
  • Arteaga, Felipe, Adam J. Kapor, Christopher A. Neilson, and Seth Zimmerman. “Smart matching platforms and heterogeneous beliefs in centralized school choice.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 137, no. 3 (2022): 1791-1848.
  • Akbarpour, Mohammad, Adam Kapor, Christopher Neilson, Winnie van Dijk, and Seth Zimmerman. “Centralized School choice with unequal outside options.” Journal of Public Economics 210 (2022): 104644.


Barbara Biasi:

  • Awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for the value of 1.5 million euros.

Zachary Bleemer:

Tristan Botelho:

  • Runner-up, Responsible Research Award, Academy of Management, 2022

Teresa Chahine:

  • Book: Social Entrepreneurship: Building Impact Step by Step. Routledge. Dec 2022. ISBN 9780367556877

Zoe Chance:

  • Book: Influence Is Your Superpower: The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things Happen

Judy Chevalier:

  • Elected President of the Eastern Economics Association
  • Elected the Distinguished Fellow of the Industrial Organization Society

Kate Cooney:

  • Kate Cooney, Inclusive Economic Development Lab. Grant to support the work of the Inclusive Economic Development Lab at Yale School of Management. Funded by SNF Fund for the Integration of Theory and Practice at Yale Law School (formerly the Niarchos Fund), distributed over 2 years, FY2-23-2024, $140,000.
  • Andrei Harwell, Anika Singh Lemar, Kate Cooney, Alan Plattus, Yale Urban Design Workshop Health and Just Housing and Neighborhood Clinic. Grant to support the inaugural interdisciplinary clinic taught between the School of Architecture, School of Law, and School of Management, organized by the Yale Urban Design Workshop, and taught in collaboration with the Connecticut State Department of Housing (DOH). Funded by SNF Fund for the Integration of Theory and Practice at Yale Law School (formerly the Niarchos Fund), distributed over 2 years, FY2023-2024, $240,000.
  • Kate Cooney, PI, Equitable Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Landscape Analysis: Entrepreneurial Support Organizations in Greater New Haven. Funded as subaward from DataHaven for study proposal jointly proposed and funded by The Community Foundation Mission Investments Company, April 2021-July 2021, $26,025.

Joyee Deb:

  • Appointed as Editor at Rand

Julia DiBenigno:

  • 2022 Outstanding Published Article in Positive Organizational Scholarship Award, Honorable Mention for: DiBenigno, J. 2020. Rapid Relationality: How Peripheral Experts Build a Foundation for Influence with Line Managers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65: 20-60.
  • Class of 2022 Thinkers50 30 Thinkers to Watch Radar List

Florian Ederer:

  • Association of Competition Economists Best Paper Award for "Killer Acquisitions"
  • Econometric Society Best Paper Award for "A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry"
  • American Antitrust Institute Jerry S. Cohen Award for "Killer Acquisitions"
  • Equitable Growth Funding Award for "Innovation: The Bright Side of Common Ownership?" ($50,000)

Paul Fontanier:

Oriane Georgeac:

  • Finalist (Top 3) of the William C. Frederick Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Academy of Management (AOM), Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division
  • Finalist of The Case Centre’s 2022 Outstanding Case Writer Competition for “Ros Atkins and the BBC 50:50 Project”

Stefano Giglio:

  • Carlo Alberto Medal for Italian economists under 40
  • Best Paper in Asset Pricing at the 2022 SFS Cavalcade
  • Two Sigma Award, Best Paper on Investment Management, 2022 WFA Meetings
  • RFS Michael Brennan Best Paper Award Runner Up 2022

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham:

Bryan Kelly:

  • Best Paper Award, Hong Kong Conference for Fintech, AI, and Big Data
  • INQUIRE Europe Research Grant
  • Bates-White Best Paper Award, SoFiE annual meeting
  • CIRF-DUFE Research Excellence Award

Cameron La Point:

Vahideh Manshadi:

  • Finalist, INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Competition for Learning Product Rankings Ro- bust to Fake Users, 2022

Barry Nalebuff:

  • Book: Split the Pie: A Radical New Way to Negotiate, published by Harper Business

Jayanti Owens:

Taly Reich:

  • 2022, Society for Consumer Psychology Early Career Award

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld:

K. Sudhir:

  • Winner, Best Service Article in 2021 across Management Journals, SERVSIG Award, 2022.

Kosuke Uetake:

  • Marketing Science Institute Research Grant, 2022
  • Japan Institute of Marketing Science Best Poster Paper Award, 2023