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SOMPost March 2022

What We're Excited About

Visitors welcome! 

We are thrilled to announce Yale University has modified its Covid-19 policies, welcoming visitors to campus. To read current Covid-19 policies, please click here. If you would like to visit Yale SOM in person, please reach out, so we can help plan your on-campus recruiting activities.  

Internship Fund

The Yale SOM Internship Fund is back for its 43rd year!  This student-managed fund provides a stipend to students summer interning with nonprofit, government, or B-Corps organizations.  Employers do not need to take on any approval steps for the Internship Fund, as students themselves manage the application process directly with the IF. Employers should focus efforts on promoting themselves and their opportunities! Keep reading for tips and reach out to Rebecca Lineberry or your EPM for more information.

Hiring? Don't Miss This!

Summer 2022 internships and full-time roles for post-graduation are in demand! If your organization currently is hiring, focus on building interpersonal connections to make the most of your efforts:

  1. Post your role(s) in 12Twenty
  2. Utilize our (free!) resume books to reach out directly to students with profiles of interest, inviting them to apply/connect with you  
  3. Consider hosting coffee chats or a 30-minute open hour to make yourself available to interested students (such requests can be made in 12Twenty)


Three tips for maximizing our resume books resource:

  • When filtering resume books in 12Twenty, focus on the function and industry filters rather than geography, especially if you have a flexible work arrangement policy  
  • Use the keyword search if you are seeking specific system or technical skills 
  • When reaching out to students, include that you sourced their resume from the Yale SOM CDO resume book, so they do not dismiss your message as spam

Academic Calendar

April 15 | University closed - No recruiting

May 5| Last day of campus recruiting

May 11-17 | Final exam period

May 23 | Class of 2022 Commencement 

P.S. Did You Know...

Yale's Beinecke Library for rare books pioneered a non-toxic method of freezing books to control paper-eating pests.