Interview with Andrew W. Lo
Andrew W. Lo
Professor of Finance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloane School of Management
Director of the MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering
Andrew W. Lo is the Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Director of MIT's Laboratory for Financial Engineering. His research is focused on the fundamental aspects of investments and financial markets, including measuring illiquidity risk in hedge-fund returns, the growth of systemic risk in the hedge-fund industry, and most recently, evolutionary and neurobiological models of individual risk preferences and financial markets. He has published numerous articles, and is a co-author of The Econometrics of Financial Markets , A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street , and The Evolution of Technical Analysis , and author of Hedge Funds: An Analytic Perspective . He is currently a co-editor of the Annual Review of Financial Economics and an associate editor of the Financial Analysts Journal , the Journal of Portfolio Management , and the Journal of Computational Finance . He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, a member of FINRA’s Economic Advisory Board, the OFR Financial Research Advisory Committee, the CME Group Competitive Markets Advisory Council, the Consortium for Systemic Risk Analytics Academic Advisory Board, and founder and chief investment strategist of AlphaSimplex Group, LLC, an investment advisory firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.