Faculty Awards and Honors, July–December 2020
A periodic roundup of faculty honors.
A periodic roundup of faculty honors.
Tristan Botelho
- Best Entrepreneurship Paper Award, Academy of Management
- Best 40 Under 40 Professors, Poets & Quants
Kerwin Charles
- Elected Vice President of American Economic Association
Christopher Clayton
- AQR Top Finance Graduate Award
- Best Finance Theory Job Market Paper (Finance Theory Group)
Florian Ederer
Oriane Georgeac
- Winner of the SPSP 2020 Outstanding Research Award from Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). Paper: “Instrumentality undermines underrepresented group members’ psychological sense of belonging and attraction to organizations”
- Award: Finalist of the 2020 Responsible Research in Management Award from the Community for Responsible Research in Management (RRBM) & International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Paper: “Progress in women’s representation in top leadership weakens people’s disturbance with gender inequality in other domains”
Balázs Kovács
- Academy of Management Annals Best Paper Award 2020 (given to the best paper published in 2019)
Bryan Kelly
- Fama/DFA Prize for best paper on asset pricing in the Journal of Financial Economics
- Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy award for best paper in Journal of Portfolio Management
Kosuke Uetake
- MSI Young Scholar Award from Marketing Science Institute
Tauhid Zaman
- 2020 INFORMS Conference on Service Science Presents the Co-Winner Certificate of the Best Service Science Conference Paper Competition to Cheng Hua and Tauhid Zaman for “Optimal Dispatch in Emergency Service System via Reinforcement Learning.”