Interview with Hal S. Scott
Hal S. Scott
Professor of International Financial Systems
Harvard Law School
Director, Committee on Capital Markets Regulation
Hal S. Scott is the Nomura Professor and Director of the Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS) at Harvard Law School, where he has taught since 1975. He teaches courses on Capital Markets Regulation, International Finance, and Securities Regulation. He has a B.A. from Princeton University (Woodrow Wilson School, 1965), an M.A. from Stanford University in Political Science (1967), and a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School (1972). In 1974-1975, before joining Harvard, he clerked for Justice Byron White.
The Program on International Financial Systems, founded in 1986, engages in a variety of research projects. Its book, Capital Adequacy Beyond Basel (Oxford University Press 2004), examines capital adequacy rules for banks, insurance companies and securities firms. The Program also organizes the annual invitation-only U.S.-China, U.S.-Europe, U.S.-Japan, and U.S.-Latin America Symposia on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century, attended by financial system leaders in the concerned countries.
Professor Scott's books include the law school textbook International Finance: Transactions, Policy and Regulation (20th ed. Foundation Press 2014); and The Global Financial Crisis (Foundation Press 2009).
Professor Scott is the Director of the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation, a bi-partisan non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the competitiveness of U.S. capital markets and ensuring the stability of the U.S. financial system via research and advocacy. He is also Co-Chair of the Council on Global Financial Regulation, an independent director of Lazard, Ltd., a member of the Bretton Woods Committee, a past President of the International Academy of Consumer and Commercial Law and a past Governor of the American Stock Exchange (2002-2005).