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Photos: International Experience: Iceland

X. Huang ’22, Alston Wang ’23, and Aishwarya Smriti ’23 share photos from their trip to Iceland, led by Professor George Newman and TA Kelly Emery ’22.

X. Huang ’22

The International Experience: Iceland course wrapped up with an epic spring break field trip to the country. It’s truly one of my most memorable experiences at the Yale School of Management. We learned about the business, culture, and society of Iceland, and combined education with fun and adventure!

It was truly fascinating to meet and hear the story of two-time South African paralympian and gold medalist Ntando Mahlangu. Despite the fact that he was born with fibular hemimelia and never walked until the age of 10, he broke the world record for long jump and 200m. Its an inspirational story that makes you think to take nothing for granted.