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Kevin Moss ’24

Kevin Moss ’24


Internship: Connecticut Green Bank, Innovation Intern, Clean Transportation

I’ve been profoundly shaped by the natural world, and so I’ve prioritized environmental issues and impact in my career. But after working in energy and environmental policy, I realized that I wanted to pursue roles that would let me combine public policy and business strategy.  I thought an MBA was the best way to develop the skill set to transition from a career in policy to one as a clean energy innovator and leader. I was immediately attracted to Yale SOM because of its mission focus on business and society and its strong integration with the Yale School of the Environment.

Group of people outside in Evans Hall courtyard
group of people on a hike
group of people at East Rock Brewery
From left: Enjoying the courtyard at Evans Hall with my case team, on a hike in the Catskills during a retreat with my case team, and at a bachelor party for an SOM classmate

Yale’s connections to the Connecticut clean energy community helped me identify the ideal summer internship opportunity at the Connecticut Green Bank, and my first-year coursework helped me prepare. One course I took was Renewable Energy Project Finance, a hallmark SOM class cross-listed with the Yale School of the Environment. I developed the technical and financial modeling skills to secure my internship and then to thrive in the role. I was able to contribute strategic market assessments as well as policy insights.

two people with bike helmets taking a selfie outdoors
group of people in front of a ruin
two people at summit during hike with dog
From left: Taking a break while mountain biking in Hebron, Connecticut; at Monte Albán while on a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico; and on a hike during fall break
group of friends in formal wear
person at an EV charger
three people wearing wigs to look like Einstein
From left: With friends at the spring formal, using one of Connecticut Green Bank’s EV chargers, and with fellow “Einsteins” at a “wig party”

After the intense consulting internship interview process, my case team decided to organize a getaway weekend retreat. Even though we had spent months preparing together, we still felt the best way to close out the experience was a relaxing weekend in the Catskills. We spent our time hiking, making homemade meals, playing board games, and recharging before the start of second semester. This experience is very indicative of the kind of community we have at SOM. It’s collaborative, supportive, and tight-knit.

Interviewed on October 25, 2023