Witnessing History, with Mixed Emotions
Suzanne Lagarde ’14, CEO of New Haven-based Fair Haven Community Health Care, will attend the State of the Union Address on January 30 as Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro's sole guest—and she'll be waiting anxiously to learn the fate of the nation's com

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Enjoying The Journey from Texas to New Haven
Anna Williams ’19 shares her tips for achieving work-life balance and getting the most out of the EMBA experience at Yale SOM.
The Executive Assessment: What I Learned Taking the New Test for EMBA Candidates
Yale SOM’s MBA for Executives Program now accepts the Executive Assessment, a new standardized test designed specifically for EMBA candidates, alongside the GMAT and GRE.

EMBA Students Pursue Diverse Independent Study Projects
David Paller '14 and Adam Wollowick '14 collaborated on an independent study project last fall that plunged them into the world of corporate mergers and acquisitions—and could one day bring new medical devices to the marketplace.
Yale School of Management to Expand EMBA Program with Study in Asset Management and Sustainability
The Yale School of Management is expanding its MBA for Executives program by offering students the ability to focus their studies in asset management or sustainability.
Yale School of Management Announces New MBA Program for Executives: Leadership in the Healthcare Sector
The Yale School of Management is launching an MBA for Executives program to begin in August 2005.