Nothing can replace the interaction and learning that occurs in-person. However, we know that sometimes life and work happens which prevents you from being able to be on campus. The MBA for Executives Extended Classroom allows students to occasionally join class remotely. Leveraging state-of-the-art classroom technology in Evans Hall, this innovation helps students to inject some flexibility into their rigorous class weekend schedule and manage travel demands.

Program participants using the Extended Classroom can see and hear what is going on in the classroom. They can raise their hand and contribute to class discussions. Students on campus can see their peers on dedicated screens, as can of course the professor.
To maintain the quality and rigor of the Yale MBA for Executives program, the number of Extended Classroom spots per weekend is limited.
Attending in person classes and reconnecting with my cohorts is the highlight of my week, but due to unforeseen emergencies these semesters, the extended classroom has been a lifesaver. I registered right after residence for the week of my father’s 70th birthday celebration and the week I knew I would not have childcare. The Extended Classroom also allowed me to attend from Houston during my daughter’s asthma flare ups. Even though I was not in-person, the remote option was engaging and allowed me to participate in class discussions.