Learn more about the details of the Yale MBA for Executives admissions process, application requirements, program profile and fit, and tuition.

Admissions Process
Do I have to apply to an area of focus?
Students in the MBA for Executives program can specialize in one Area of Focus or explore courses and speaker events across areas based on your individual needs.
Is it possible to participate in two areas of focus?
Due to program scheduling, students are only able to specialize in one area of focus. If you choose to specialize, you’ll take at least four courses within your area of focus in your second year and participate in five sessions of the relevant colloquium each year. The remaining courses and colloquium speaker sessions can be from any of the three areas of focus.
Alternatively, students can choose not to specialize, and attend courses and colloquium speaker sessions across all three areas of focus.
Do I have to declare an area of focus during the admissions process?
You will have the opportunity to indicate an interest in one (or more) areas of focus during the application process. However, you won't formally choose whether or not to specialize in an area of focus until after the program begins.
Once I submit my application, how quickly can I receive an admission decision?
Once we have received your entire application and the round application date has passed, it will be reviewed by the admissions committee. Successful candidates will move to the interview stage of the admissions process and be invited to interview. For more information, we invite you to look through our timeline of admissions rounds.
Are there opportunities to visit Yale SOM?
We are excited to resume in-person events in Evans Hall. For a schedule of events and more information, we encourage you to visit our events page.
Is it possible to earn a joint degree (e.g. MBA/JD, MBA/MD) through the EMBA program?
It is not possible to earn the MBA for Executives as part of a joint degree.
Do you accept transfer students?
As Yale’s unique integrated core curriculum is structured differently than other MBA programs, we do not accept transfer students from other universities.
I have already received an MBA from another school. Can I still apply to the Yale MBA for Executives?
No, prospective students who already hold an MBA are not eligible to apply to the Yale MBA for Executives.
Application Requirements
What are the application deadlines, and when can I submit my application?
Applications will be considered during three different rounds throughout the year. Application deadlines can be found on the Application Information page. To be considered for a specific round, all application requirements must be completed before the round deadline.
What is required as a part of the application?
All application requirements can be found on the Application Information page.
What are the eligibility requirements to apply to the program?
All applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree and submit the results of a standardized test (see our website for more information on testing requirements). Applicants must have a minimum of seven years of post-undergraduate, full-time work experience (candidates with fewer years of work experience may be considered if they have demonstrated significant leadership experience through their employment or other experiences).
Is there a GMAT, GRE or EA minimum score required for entrance to the program?
There is no minimum EA, GMAT, or GRE score required to apply to Yale SOM. We will consider your scores in the context of your whole application.
Is it necessary to take the Executive Assessment (EA), GMAT, or GRE?
Yes, we require one of these standardized tests as part of a complete application. There are no waivers for this requirement.
What is the Executive Assessment (EA)?
The Executive Assessment is specifically designed to evaluate the business school readiness of seasoned professionals. The assessment focuses on skills that are critical both at work and in an Executive MBA program: higher order reasoning, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving. Because it was designed specifically for experienced professionals, it requires modest preparation, takes only 90 minutes to complete, and includes flexible rescheduling options. The test is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), creators of the GMAT® exam. Learn more about the Executive Assessment by visiting gmac.com/ea.
Do I have to take the Executive Assessment (EA), GMAT, or GRE before I submit my application?
No. You can submit an application prior to taking the exam; however, your application will not be considered complete without a valid test score. We will review your application with your unofficial scores, updating them as they are reported to us.
We encourage applicants to schedule ample time to prepare for the exam; the format does take some time to adjust to and timing during the exam is very important.
What are the school codes I should use to send my official test score reports?
Have your official score report(s) sent directly to the Yale School of Management.
You can request EA score reports from www.gmac.com/ea(select Yale School of Management).
You can request GMAT score reports from www.mba.com(use code 3TJ-BX-75). You can request GRE score reports from www.ets.org/gre (use code 5624).
Are interviews required as a part of the application process?
Interviews are not required to submit an application. Once we have received an application, it will be reviewed, and successful candidates will move to the interview stage of the admissions process.
Do I need to be sponsored? Can I sponsor myself?
Your supervisor must agree in writing to support you by providing the time to attend scheduled classes and sufficient scheduling flexibility to complete required coursework. You do not need to demonstrate financial support from your employer. If you are self-employed, you may submit yourself as your own employer. You must provide the name of your supervisor upon submission of your application, but the employer approval form is not sent to your employer until candidates are invited and sign up to interview.
Who should write the letters of recommendation?
Ideally, at least one of the recommenders should be in a position to assess your performance in your most recent role. You are required to provide two recommendations, and professional recommendations are preferred. To ensure the objectivity and independence of your recommendations, the written product must be entirely your recommenders’ work. Although you may discuss the process with them, you may not have any involvement in their drafting or submission.
Do I need to take the TOEFL if my native language is not English?
No, the TOEFL is not required of non-native English speaking applicants to the MBA for Executives. All applicants must take the Executive Assessment (EA), GMAT, or GRE.
Will not completing the video questions hurt my application?
No, not completing the optional video questions will not hurt your application. The video questions are for you to tell us more about your background, your experiences, and yourself in your own voice. There are no wrong answers, and while you are encouraged to complete them, there is no penalty for not doing so.
What is the difference between Yale School of Management’s full-time MBA program and the MBA for Executives?
Both programs offer the same MBA degree but are delivered in different formats. You can learn more about the differences here.
If I'm looking to make a big transition in my career, is this program a good fit for me?
Due to the nature of the program, the MBA for Executives is appropriate for those looking to accelerate their career in their current field. If you are looking for a career transition, the full-time program may be more fitting. You are welcome to conduct a resume pre-assessment to determine your fit for the program.
Is it possible to find out if I would be a good fit for this program?
We do offer a pre-assessment to determine if you meet our requirements for the program. You can fill out the form on our website.
Do I have to be working full-time to apply to the program? Can I apply to the program if I am currently unemployed and looking for a new position?
We do require that students are in full-time employment during the program. Students apply learning to their professional environments throughout the program and contribute real-time industry knowledge to class discussions.
Is it possible to be admitted without a university degree?
To apply to Yale SOM, an applicant must have a four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. institution or the international equivalent. International applicants with a three-year degree from an accredited institution may apply.
Program Tuition & Fees
How much is the program tuition? What is included in the program fee?
Current information on tuition and program fees can be found here. The two-year, all inclusive fee includes tuition, required textbooks, study materials, a Microsoft Surface Pro and breakfast and lunch on all class days, as well as lodging during Orientation and summer residencies (the two weeks at the start of the first year and one week at the start of the second year). Also included are lodging and programming for the EMBA Global Network Week.
How will I fund this program?
There are several ways that you can consider to fund your MBA. You can learn more about financial aid resources on our website.
Is financial aid available?
Yes, you can find out about financial aid options here.
Do you have scholarship opportunities? If so, how can I apply for them?
We offer a limited number of partial scholarships. To be considered for an award, applicants must complete the Scholarship Information section of the online application in addition to submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at https://studentaid.gov.
Where do students stay while on campus for Residency and during class weekends?
Students are required to stay at the program-designated hotel during the Residency periods (the two weeks at the start of the first year and one week at the start of the second year). Students are responsible for all costs associated with lodging during class weekends. The MBA for Executives program has negotiated rates with local hotels for Friday evenings during class weekends. The approximate cost is $2,000 per semester. Loans may be available to include travel and hotel nights. Contact emba.admissions@yale.edu for more information.
How do I approach my employer about starting a program like this?
We suggest reviewing the employer benefit resources for how the MBA for Executives program can benefit your organization.