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Nathan Tribble ’22

MBA for Executives

Asset Management

President, Stockpile Investments

Working in fintech means staying on top of two industries, as well as understanding their unique intersections. For me, the decision to get an MBA is already paying off. The SOM curriculum is so comprehensive, and I’ve used a component of every core course I’ve taken so far, from Accounting to Statistics, in my day-to-day work.

As a leader, I’m a work-in-progress. I’d like to think I’ve been a good facilitator, and I’m adaptable. I’ve learned at Yale SOM that I need to speak less and listen more. I’m striving to become an empathetic leader.

The vision and integrated experience delivered in the EMBA program have made it possible for me to observe and practice the mindset and skills necessary to become the kind of leader I admire. Role models like Dean Kerwin Charles embody the leadership qualities and style I’m working to possess. The CEO Summits, hosted by Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, showcase candid discussions with leaders in business and society, providing an up-close-and-personal opportunity to understand how thoughtful engagement across sectors and disciplines can inspire new understandings.

Here’s my secret to managing work/life balance: Buy-in. Buy-in. Buy-in. I started a new role at a new firm while I was in the middle of applying to the EMBA program. I made it clear to my employers that I would need to devote a substantial amount of time to the program, and they have been in my corner from day one—my team, my peers, and our CEO. But most importantly, without the support of my wife, I would not have even considered applying to this program. She’s been my greatest champion.

The program has been tremendous at adapting to the seemingly endless series of changes and challenges that have crept up throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire EMBA administrative team has been a model of measured, decisive, and thoughtful responses. I try to bring some of that with me to my workplace every day.

Interviewed on October 19, 2020