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Dhruti Gopaluni

Dhruti Mohan Gopaluni ’25


Student Ambassador




Houston, Texas


United States

Undergraduate Institution and Major

Stanford University, Management Science & Engineering

Pre-MBA Industry

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Government, Analytics and Strategy

Internship Organization

RWE: Renewable Energy, Utility Scale Development

Clubs and Affiliations

Energy Club 1Y Leader; Business & Politics 1Y Leader; Women in Management 1Y Leader; Business & Environment Member; Technology Club Member; Yale College (Berkeley) Graduate Affiliate; Admissions Guide; Academic Affairs Committee, Student Government

Tell us about your International Experience trip. Where did you go? What was your favorite part?

I did a Global Network Week course called the Race to Net Zero at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. It was a good time in general and a great learning experience, but I really enjoyed all the outdoor time we had. This was definitely the first time I went to class at the beach - would recommend!

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