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Our Integrated Curriculum

Reach beyond the boundaries. Understand how real organizations work.

You’re the CEO of a company that’s expanding into new markets. How do you weigh potential returns against political risk? How do you keep your team aligned around core values? How do you ensure sustainable and efficient operations? You need to look at your organization’s challenges and opportunities from multiple perspectives in order to see the complete picture.

Curriculum overview

Year 1: Core

Your first step toward being a leader who has impact on business and society. The series of first-year core courses is carefully planned to build your understanding of the whole organization.

Year 2: Electives

Dig deep and explore all Yale has to offer. You will tailor your second year by taking courses from SOM and adding as many courses as you choose from other parts of Yale University.

MBA curriculum timeline

Program highlights

Global Study

Travel for a weeklong course at another business school, study with students from around the world in a virtual global course, or travel for a nonprofit consulting engagement—and enhance your global acumen. 

Leadership & Teams

Throughout your MBA career, you’ll form and manage teams, learn what works and what doesn’t—and then apply those lessons the next time around. 

Raw Cases

Learn the way you work. Our online “raw” cases simulate real-world decision making by asking you to sift through documents, video, news articles, and other data.

Students who pursue the Management Science Major will have the opportunity to qualify for the 24-month STEM Optional Practical Training extension.