Yale SOM Celebrates Gal Zauberman’s Appointment as Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Professor of Marketing
Zauberman’s colleagues gathered for a reception in his honor on March 5 at the Yale School of Management.
Colleagues gathered for a reception to honor Gal Zauberman’s appointment as Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Professor of Marketing on March 5 at the Yale School of Management.
Zauberman’s research centers on consumer judgement and decision making. His most recent area of study involves the impact that taking photographs has on those experiencing an event. He has published articles in leading marketing and psychology journals, and has won the William O’Dell and Paul Green Best Paper Awards, as well as the 2007 Early Career Award for Distinguished Contributions to Consumer Psychology.
Yale SOM Dean Edward A. Snyder characterized Zauberman’s research as “rigorous and authentic.” He noted that Zauberman’s work has helped to create a “strong bridge” to the psychology department at Yale College.
Several of Zauberman’s colleagues reflected on the value he has brought and continues to bring to the Yale SOM faculty. Professor Nathan Novemsky noted that Zauberman has contributed in “fundamental ways” to the community and to scholarship. Professor Shane Frederick remarked on Zauberman’s “uncompromising honesty,” and Ravi Dhar, George Rogers Clark Professor of Managing and Marketing, called him “incredibly thoughtful” and “very principled.”
Zauberman said that he has found the cross-pollination of ideas that exists at Yale SOM and throughout the university to be especially valuable to his work.
“I came from a very large school that was very siloed, and here I’ve gotten to know lots of colleagues across disciplines, and to learn from them,” said Zauberman. “I want to thank my junior faculty, who teach me new things every day.”