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Yale Global Executive Leadership Program

Transform yourself, your organization, and society.

Dynamic & reliable.

Complex & elegant.

Individualized & interconnected.

The leaders who succeed in our quickly transforming world will possess the ultimate duality: seeing what is and what is yet to be.  

The Yale Global Executive Leadership Program helps you deftly navigate this complexity. It teaches you to trust your instincts and equips you with science-backed insights to make pivotal decisions. It opens spirited conversations with industry legends. It stems the loneliness of leadership, placing you among thought partners and confidants. It provides you with invaluable space for honest growth.  

The Yale Global Executive Leadership Program exists to improve and expand the impact of leaders, like you–leaders seeking to make lasting positive change in their organization and in their communities. Because, in the end, it all comes back to our school’s mission: to educate leaders for business & society. 

Preview image for the video "Yale Global Executive Leadership Program: Catalyzing Your Growth".

YGELP has allowed me to reconnect with my purpose, with the mission of my organization, and has given me tools to think differently about how to create a culture that equally values my staff and my customers.

Kristin Roberts, Chief Content Officer, Gannett
YGELP participant smiling in class
Participants in a classroom applauding their peer

About the Program

  • Create and maximize value for your organization by utilizing long-term investment strategies, innovating strategically, and building a competitive advantage.
  • Balance growth, ambition, and oversight with fiduciary responsibilities and legal realities.
  • Leverage an informed global perspective to mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities that add value to your organization.
  • Gain critical insights from the latest behavioral economics research to anticipate and satisfy the evolving needs and expectations of today’s consumers.
  • Develop a clear personal vision that anchors you as a leader by leveraging vital insights from assessments, peer feedback, and individualized executive coaching sessions.
  • Build a lifelong, global network of distinguished peers who are committed to the pursuit of leadership excellence.
  • Access resources for lifelong learning and professional growth with Yale affiliate status upon program completion.

As a YGELP participant, you’ll be invited to attend the Yale CEO Summit—an exclusive, off-the-record gathering of prominent CEOs hosted by YGELP Faculty Director Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and the Chief Executive Leadership Institute. This intimate event offers unparalleled access to candid, interactive discussions on leadership challenges, practical insights from industry leaders, and a strategic global perspective. Participants often cite this benefit as a highlight of their YGELP experience.

Upon completing the program, YGELP participants receive Yale affiliate status. All of the following alumni benefits offer access to our vast global alumni network and an array of resources that facilitate lifelong learning, growth, and success:

  • Membership in the Yale Alumni Association, a network of 150,000 Yale alumni around the world
  • Membership in the Yale School of Management Alumni Association
  • Inclusion in the Yale alumni directory and the SOM alumni directory
  • A lifelong email forwarding address: [yourname]
  • Access to the Yale Career Network
  • Access to the Yale SOM Job Board
  • Invitation to Yale SOM Executive Education reunions
  • Invitation to local SOM chapter events
  • Access to selected Yale SOM career services
  • 15% program fee reduction on all Yale SOM executive education open enrollment programs
  • Free participation in faculty webinars available to SOM alumni
  • Invitation to participate in the SOM Alumni Association student mentoring program
  • Free access to thousands of journals through JSTOR and HeinOnline

YGELP is designed for proven business leaders who are in, or on their way into, the C-suite—someone identified within the leadership pipeline as the next in line. They should be an integral part of the organization’s decision-making team.

We welcome applications from participants with:

  • Significant experience and demonstrated career progression and success across levels, including:
    • Executive Committee members
    • Heads of major business units
    • Heads of function for the entire organization
    • Senior executive members of core advisory or core operating groups
  • At least 20 years of work experience including significant time in senior management roles.
  • A strong aspiration to be at the top of both their organization and their industry, striving to make a lasting impact.

Three intensive classroom modules held at the Yale School of Management campus immerse you in deep learning, diverse perspectives, and valuable discussions. In between the on-campus modules, your learning journey continues seamlessly through monthly video conferencing-based meetings. You will engage with Yale’s esteemed faculty and your accomplished peers to discuss the latest research or a case study, share insights into and reflections on how you are applying your learnings, and get guidance from the Yale network.

The YGELP curriculum is divided into three pillars: Leadership in Business and Society, Global Perspectives, and Executive Toolkit. Content evolves with the needs of the community to remain relevant and compelling. Below is a sample of topics you may experience in this career-shaping program.

The Yale School of Management mission of educating leaders for business and society is woven into the program by elevating your capacity to drive organizational success while weighing the interests of all stakeholders.

  • Leadership styles and motivation
  • High-performing teams
  • Stakeholder capitalism
  • Corporate financial management
  • Corporate governance
  • Board management
  • Gender discrimination in the labor market
  • Sustainability concepts for business leadership

Deepen your understanding of the global context of business to overcome the strategic challenges of operating in a globalized world.

  • Ethical leadership in the global community
  • Strategies for organizational emergencies
  • The global economy
  • Immigration policy
  • Global macroeconomic trends
  • Opportunities and risks in emerging markets

Sharpen your business acumen to drive profitability and growth in your organization.

  • Decision-making
  • Monetization and growth strategies
  • Systematic approaches to creativity
  • Value creation, competition, and startups
  • Leadership resilience
  • Digital transformation
  • Negotiations
  • Effective networks
  • Executive voice and presence
  • Influence and persuasion
  • Behavioral economics and modern marketing
  • Employee engagement and motivation
  • Stocks, bonds, bills, and inflation
  • Behavioral finance
  • Restructuring and turnaround situations

Faculty Director

Jeff Sonnenfeld
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld

Senior Associate Dean for Leadership Studies; Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management; Founder and CEO of the Chief Executive Leadership Institute

Areas of Expertise: CEOs, Corporate Governance, Ethics, Leadership, Workplace Issues

Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is currently the Senior Associate Dean for Leadership Studies and Lester Crown Professor in Management Practice at the Yale School of Management, as well as founder and president of the Chief Executive Leadership Institute, a nonprofit educational and research institute focused on CEO leadership and corporate governance. He previously served as a full tenured professor at Emory's Goizueta Business School for a decade and a professor at the Harvard Business School for a decade.

Professor Sonnenfeld's related research has been published in 100 scholarly articles which appeared in the leading academic journals in management such as Administrative Sciences Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Social Forces, Human Relations, and Human Resource Management. He has also authored eight books, including The Hero's Farewell, an award-winning study of CEO succession, and another best seller, Firing Back, a study on leadership resilience in the face of adversity.

Professor Sonnenfeld’s work is regularly cited by the general media in such outlets as: BusinessWeek, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Newsweek, Time, the Economist, the Financial Times, the Washington Post, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC as well as PBS, and he is a staff contributor for CNBC and a staff columnist for Fortune, Time, Chief Executive, and Corporate Board Member

Sonnenfeld was recognized by Poets & Quants Magazine as the 2022 Professor of the Year in recognition of his high-profile efforts to catalyze the historic exits from Russia of over 1,000+ global businesses after the invasion of Ukraine, and was named to Worth Magazine’s “Worthy 100 Leaders”, an annual global listing of the most influential leaders across society. 

Sonnenfeld has advised the White House, U.S. State Department, U.S. Treasury Department, and Council of Economic Advisers on Russian economic sanctions and business retreats and has testified to the U.S. Congress; in addition, he has been profiled by various media outlets including TIME, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the Washington Post, and Business Insider. BusinessWeek listed Sonnenfeld as one of the world’s 10 most influential business school professors and Directorship magazine has listed him among the 100 most influential figures in corporate governance. 

He is the first academician to have rung the opening bells of both the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Exchange having done so ten times. Professor Sonnenfeld earned the 2018 Ellis Island award from the US Ellis Island Foundation. He was Harvard’s first John Whitehead Faculty Fellow and won outstanding educator awards at Yale, Emory and the American Society for Training and Development. 

He is now a member of the board of Lennar, the leading American homebuilder, as well as IEX, Atlas Merchant Capital, and the Ellis Island Honor Society. Professor Sonnenfeld was appointed by Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont to serve as co-chair of Advance CT, where he helps lead the state’s economic development, including attracting and retaining leading global businesses and developing the state’s workforce. Sonnenfeld also serves on the Board of Directors of Connecticut Innovations, which is focused on building the innovation and business ecosystem within the state of Connecticut.  

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Faculty and lecturers are subject to change.

James Baron

James Baron

William S. Beinecke Professor of Management

Areas of Expertise: Careers, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources, Labor Issues, Leadership, Nonprofit Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Design, Social Enterprise, Social Networks, Startups, Strategy, Women in Leadership, Workplace Issues

Professor Baron’s research interests include human resources; organizational design and behavior; social stratification and inequality; work, labor markets, and careers; economic sociology; and entrepreneurial companies. Before coming to SOM in 2006, he taught at Stanford's Graduate School of Business from 1982-2006. At Stanford, he taught the MBA core course, Human Resource Management. He was co-director of the Stanford Project on Emerging Companies (SPEC), a large-scale longitudinal study of the organizational design, human resource management practices, and financial and non-financial performance measures of entrepreneurial firms in Silicon Valley. Papers based on the project appeared in leading disciplinary journals, and an overview of the project in California Management Review won the 2003 Accenture Award for making “the most important contribution to improving the practice of management.”

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Zoe Chance

Zoe Chance

Senior Lecturer in Management

Areas of Expertise: Influence and Persuasion, Decision-Making, Behavior Change

Zoe Chance is our resident expert on interpersonal influence. She's a member of the marketing faculty at Yale SOM, teaching the school's most popular elective, "Mastering Influence and Persuasion," as well as workshops for executives around the world. Her recent book, Influence Is Your Superpower, is an international bestseller being published in 28 languages. Zoe earned her MBA from USC and her doctorate from Harvard. Her framework for behavior change is the foundation for Google’s global food policy. Before joining academia, Zoe managed a $200 million segment of the Barbie brand. Now, she uses her influence to help out with the climate crisis and donates half her book profits to that cause. She wants to help you make great things happen too.

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Ravi Dhar

Ravi Dhar

George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing; Director of the Yale Center for Customer Insights; Co-Faculty Leader, Yale Program on Stakeholder Innovation and Management

Areas of Expertise: Behavioral Science, Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Marketing

Professor Dhar has been involved in pioneering work in understanding the different factors that influence how consumers think and decide. He has also served as a consultant to dozens of Fortune 100 companies in a wide variety of industries, including CPG, health care, high tech, financial services and luxury goods on developing best practices for generating and using customer insights.

Ravi has published more than 70 articles and serves on the editorial boards of several of the leading marketing journals. His research and teaching has been honored with various awards including the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the Society for Consumer Psychology, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Management, and the Yale School of Management Alumni Association Teaching Award. His work has been frequently mentioned in Business Week, the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, USA Today, and other popular media.

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Barry Nalebuff

Barry Nalebuff

Milton Steinbach Professor of Management

Areas of Expertise: Business Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Decision-making, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Negotiations, Social Enterprise, Startups

Barry Nalebuff is Milton Steinbach Professor at Yale SOM, where for thirty-four years he has taught negotiation, innovation, strategy, and game theory. He is the coauthor of seven books and an online course. Thinking Strategically and The Art of Strategy are two crossover books on game theory with more than 400,000 copies in print. Co-opetition looks beyond zero-sum games to emphasize the potential for cooperating while competing. Why Not? offers a framework for problem solving and ingenuity. Lifecycle Investing provides a new strategy for retirement investing. Mission in a Bottle tells the story of Honest Tea. His most recent book is Split the Pie, which is based on his negotiation course at SOM. An online version of the negotiation course is available for free on Coursera. It has 600,000 active learners and the second-highest rating on the Coursera platform.

In 1998, Barry—together with his former student Seth Goldman—cofounded Honest Tea. In 2011, the company was purchased by Coca-Cola. His second venture, Kombrewcha, is a slightly alcoholic version of kombucha. The company was acquired by AB-Inbev in 2016. He is currently working with Seth on Just Ice Tea.

He works with many entrepreneurial firms. He has served on the board of Q Drinks (started by his former student Jordan Silbert), Calicraft Beer, Eat the Change, and AGP Glass. Alongside startups, he served on the board of Nationwide Insurance and has extensive experience consulting with multinational firms. He advises the NBA in their negotiations with the National Basketball Players Association. A graduate of MIT, a Rhodes Scholar, and a Junior Fellow at Harvard’s Society of Fellows, Nalebuff earned his doctorate at Oxford University.

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Nathan Novemsky
Nathan Novemsky

Professor of Marketing

Areas of Expertise: Advertising, Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Science, Consumer Behavior, Decision-making, Marketing

Nathan Novemsky is Professor of Marketing in the Yale School of Management and has an appointment as Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Yale University. He joined the Yale faculty in 2000 after receiving his Ph.D. in Psychology from Princeton University. He is an expert in the psychology of judgment and decision-making, an area that overlaps heavily with behavioral economics and consumer behavior. He examines whether and how people know what they like, how the framing of decisions affects the choices people make, how individuals’ goals influence their behavior as well as other topics in judgment and decision-making.

He is an active member of the Yale Center for Customer Insights. As part of the Center, he actively partners with practitioners (including Visa, Pepsico, Google, Optum Health, Proctor and Gamble, American Express, TIAA-Cref, Metlife, and many others) to develop new insights into customer behavior that are both relevant to practitioners and new to the academic literature.

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Emma Seppala

Emma Seppälä

Lecturer in Management

Areas of Expertise: Positive Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Well-being, Social Connection

Emma Seppälä, Ph.D., is a best-selling author, Yale lecturer, and international keynote speaker. She teaches executives at the Yale School of Management and is faculty director of the Yale School of Management’s Women’s Leadership Program. A psychologist and research scientist by training, her expertise is the science of happiness, emotional intelligence, and social connection. Her best-selling book, The Happiness Track (HarperOne, 2016), has been translated into dozens of languages. Seppälä is also the Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.

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David Tate

David Tate

Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine
Lecturer, Yale School of Management

David C. Tate is a licensed clinical psychologist, professionally certified coach, and organizational consultant. He is Principal at Tate Consulting Group, a boutique consultancy that focuses on executive coaching and leadership advising, team design and development, family-owned and closely held enterprises, and promoting healthy organizational development. David has worked with leaders and senior managers in healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, distribution, publishing, media/design, education, technology, and construction.

David is an Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Yale University, where he received the 2013 Distinguished Faculty Award. He is a Lecturer at the Yale School of Management, where he teaches within both the graduate and executive education programs. He also coaches global leaders within the Yale Greenberg World Fellows Program. He is an author of Sink or Swim: How Lessons from the Titanic Can Save Your Family Business and the forthcoming book, Conscious Accountability: Deepen Connections, Elevate Results.

David received his BS at Cornell University and his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Virginia. He completed pre- and post-doctoral fellowships at Yale University before joining the faculty. He earned a Certificate in Family Business Advising from the Family Firm Institute, where he is a Fellow. He is a graduate of the Executive Coaching Academy and has completed additional coaching certification through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. He earned the designation of Professionally Certified Coach from the International Coach Federation.

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Jacob Thomas
Jacob Thomas

Williams Brothers Professor of Accounting and Finance

Areas of Expertise: Financial Reporting, Valuation

Professor Thomas focuses on the relation between accounting information and stock prices. Insights recently developed in this area that suggest fundamental links between accounting numbers and value form the basis of much of his recent teaching and research. He was actively involved in developing the core curriculum and has written cases and other teaching material for the courses he teaches on equity valuation and financial management. Differences between stock prices and fundamental value provide the basis for his examination of various stock trading strategies. Before joining the faculty at the Yale School of Management, he was the Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting and Finance at Columbia Business School. 

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Application Information

Application Closes: January 31, 2025
If you weren't able to meet the  application deadline, please contact us to discuss options for submitting a late application.

Virtual orientation: March 26, 2025 
Module 1: April 27-May 9, 2025     
Module 2: October 5-17, 2025     
Module 3: December 7-13, 2025 
Virtual check-ins: June 18, July 30, September 3, November 12, 2025

Location: On campus       
Program fee: Coming soon.    
Program requirements: Participation in all on-campus modules is required; attendance at virtual check-ins is encouraged.

Contact: Joanne Legler, Senior Director of Learning Partnerships

For more information about the application process, please visit our Application Information webpage.

An application is required for admission to YGELP. The Admissions Committee considers a candidate’s experience in current and past roles, in addition to future responsibilities. The committee seeks qualified individuals who are senior-level decision-makers representing a wide range of backgrounds. Selective enrollment of highly qualified and diverse candidates enhances the learning experience and value for supporting organizations. Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential for the completion of course assignments and active engagement.

Yale School of Management is proud to offer funding support for veterans interested in this program. For more information about financial aid options and eligibility, please visit the Executive Education Veterans Benefits page.

Additional Information

The average size for each cohort is 40; in the past, cohorts have ranged from 29 to 45. The program is intentionally small to create meaningful connections between participants both during and after the program and to provide individualized attention in class and during virtual check-ins.

Each cohort is diverse in terms of citizenship/location, industry, and function. The common thread is that each participant is expected to be at/on the track to a C-level, leadership position and an integral part of the organization’s decision-making team.

The dates are fixed. Each cohort meets for two weeks in April/May to kick off the program. The cohort also meets for two weeks in October and concludes with one week in December. In addition, cohort members attend virtual check-ins with the faculty director via Zoom.

During each module on campus, classes typically start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. A detailed agenda, including access to pre-work and readings, will be available via our online learning platform a few weeks before each module.

Program fee coming soon. Included in the cost for YGELP are the program fee, study materials, lodging, and some meals (including welcome and closing dinners). The fee does not include travel to and from New Haven.

YGELP takes place on campus at the home of the Yale School of Management, Edward P. Evans Hall. Virtual check-ins between modules are held via Zoom.

Participants are provided accommodation at a local hotel in downtown New Haven, within walking distance of the Yale School of Management.

The Yale School of Management is proud to support special funding opportunities for military professionals through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for select programs, including YGELP.

Click here to download a PDF with full instructions on how to apply for benefits in our program. Please contact Joseph Laurito ( to help walk you through the process, including the secure transfer of required documents.

Upon completing the program, YGELP participants receive Yale affiliate status, which grants access to our vast global alumni network and an array of resources that facilitate lifelong learning, growth, and success. Please see the “About the Program” section above for more detailed information.

View the YGELP Attendance Policy.

Preview image for the video "Open House for the Yale Global Executive Leadership Program".
Preview image for the video "Application FAQs Webinar | Yale Global Executive Leadership Program".
Preview image for the video "Open House for the Yale Global Executive Leadership Program".

Participant Perspectives

YGELP allowed me a vision into the perspective of other thought leaders. Those in the classroom teaching it and those who were also there as students. I went into the program with the hopes of meeting similarly situated executives to see how I compared. I left the program with a renewed zeal and desire to push my self-imposed limits even further.

Preview image for the video "Yale Global Executive Leadership Program: Broadening Your Worldview".
Preview image for the video "Yale Global Executive Leadership Program: Expanding Your Network".

“YGELP opened my aperture. The confidence I gained, combined with the incredible Yale community and cohort I can contact for guidance, has enhanced my abilities to meet the diverse challenges of my current position and made me a better leader for our team. I also gained a tremendous amount of respect for my cohorts - to an individual, they are innovative, intelligent, courageous, empathetic, and completely dedicated to their people. It was an honor to learn from and with them.”
Gloria Berlanga, Chief of Staff, Rhode Island National Guard

Excellent and well-rounded program, with lecturers with deep subject matter knowledge. Highly recommend it to global leaders who want to make a difference.
Dung Tran, VP, Managing Director and Board Member, Spartronics

“Terrific professors, amazing group of talented classmates, inspiring coaching sessions, superb content, and useful tools to incorporate into my management toolbox – just the tip of the iceberg of highlights. I'm exceedingly grateful to the fantastic Yale SOM team for their professional approach and support! Special compliments to Professor Sonnenfeld for his unending enthusiasm, incredible charisma, great knowledge, and the exciting American & global contexts he shared with us. YGELP has had a tremendous impact on myself and will definitely bring benefits to my organization. Learning is the mother of all leadership competencies. I’d highly recommend Yale SOM as the best place to get important knowledge, skills, and attitudes, required for leaders in the fast-changing globalized world.”
Daniil Klyuchnikov, Sales Director, Central & Eastern Europe, the Emerging Markets, Transporeon

“Yale’s Global Executive Leadership Program is ideal for transitioning senior military leaders looking to continue achievement in the private sector. The course content and structure (along with your class cohort) will evolve your thinking as a leader.”
Lonnie Garris, Founder & CEO, Cool Amps Corp.

“I came to Yale in transition after a company reorganization. As a high-drive, high-functioning, high-level executive leader for 20 years, I felt like my purpose was in question. And I didn't have a tribe. Fast forward seven months, post-program: I'm a successful consultant; a social venture founder; and most importantly, a member of a worldwide 'tribe' of executives, faculty, and administration who helped challenge me to say, "So what? It happened. Now what? Get out there. Raise the bar and change the world." You'll see that across the experience, and it is invaluable. There are plenty of executive education programs out there - choose Yale if you want a lifetime of connections, business opportunities, and being a Yalie for life!”
Demi Knight Clark, Founder + Chief Spark Igniter, Spark Building Group

“I came to the Yale Global Executive Leadership Program with high expectations based on what I knew about the program and my interactions with program staff prior to our arrival on campus. They exceeded all my expectations. Venue, instructors, topics, and classmates are all world-class. The quality of instruction is matched by the amazing opportunity to make life-long friendships with peers around the world. Truly a great program.”
Rodrigo Jimenez, CEO, Sceptre Hospitality Resources

Enrique Sánchez-Rivera

Driving positive change through purposeful leadership