We offer intensive national CEO Leadership Summits of short duration. The content and format of our lively, candid seminars are not available elsewhere. Participating CEOs gain perspective on their own current leadership challenges, looking both at their personal styles and the global strategic context of their industries.
The CEO Summit is unique in five fundamental ways: it offers practical knowledge from fellow prominent CEOs; it is extremely candid and strictly off-the-record; it is highly interactive; it is free of vendor sales pitches; it is intimate in size with a rich balance of experience among participants.
CEO Summit features
- Invitation-only
- Top Management of great global icons (Ford, UPS, Verizon, PepsiCo, Dow, State Farm, Blackstone, IBM, Dell, Morgan Stanley, Honeywell)
- Participants are Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs, and leading scholars from institutions such as Yale, Harvard, Wharton, Columbia, Emory
- Topics range from global strategies to leadership succession
- Unique, peer-driven interactive format designed for accomplished high-profile figures
- Discussions facilitated by Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld

Upcoming CEO Summits
Yale CEO Summit: Is Your AI Horse Ahead of the Cart? Ensuring AI Developments Don't Outpace Your Strategic Advancements
Virtual | June 10, 2025
Yale CEO Summit
New York City | December 16 & 17, 2025
Recent CEO Summits
View past events, agendas, participants and executive summaries from recent programs:
Yale CEO Summit - The Return of the Roaring 20s – Welcoming the 2025 Opportunities with Lessons from 1925
New York City | December 17-18, 2024
Yale CEO Summit - The Internet @ 50 What Experts Got Wrong & Right -Impact on Your Business
Virtual | June 11, 2024
Re-imagining Your Strategic Mission with Your Current Leadership
New York City | December 11-12, 2023
Genuine Intelligence on Artificial Intelligence: The Reality behind the Vague Threats, Hopes, and Hype
Virtual | June 12, 2023
Yale CEO Summit
Is Coming Home Again Smart or Even Possible? Global Markets and Self-Reliance
Ziegfeld Ballroom, New York City | December 13-14, 2022
Yale CEO Summit
The World is Round: Thinking Global Acting Local or Thinking Local Acting Local?
New York Public Library | June 7-8, 2022
2022’s Promise for Business: Achieving Social Harmony with Health and Prosperity
Zoom | December 15, 2021
The Ins and Outs of Infrastructure: Getting from Here to There
Zoom | June 3, 2021
Finding Common Ground across a Divided Land: Getting Your Workforce, Shareholders, Customers, and Communities Back to Business
Zoom | December 15, 2020
Economic Rejuvenation: Safely Bringing Communities out of Corona Caves
Zoom | June 3, 2020
Yale CEO Summit
We Don’t Look 100 and Neither Do You: 2020 Perspectives from the Pioneers of CEO Leadership Forums
The Roosevelt Hotel New York| December 17-18, 2019
Yale CEO Summit
Trumpeting the Issues without Becoming the Issue: Selective Use of CEO Voice
New York Public Library| June 4-5, 2019
Yale CEO Summit
The NEW New World Order: Is It Safe to Make Plans?
The Roosevelt Hotel New York | December 12 - 13, 2018
The American Colossus: The Best of Times and the Worst of Times?
New York Public Library | June 12 - 13, 2018
Yale CEO Summit
Tech Triumph or Bloated Bubble: Innovation, Investors & Industrial Transformation
The Roosevelt Hotel New York | December 13 - 14, 2017
Yale CEO Summit
Fortifying or Forgetting Forecasting: Can We Ever Plan Accurately?
New York Public Library | June 8 - 9, 2017
Yale Mexico CEO Forum
Examining New U.S.-Mexico Trade Ripples
Mexico City, Mexico | February 21, 2017
Yale CEO Summit
Delight & Despair over Disruption Part II: The Post-Election Story
Waldorf Astoria New York | December 14 - 15, 2016
Yale CEO Summit
The Future Ain’t What it Used to Be: Delight and Despair Over Disruption
New York Public Library | June 7 - 8, 2016
Yale CEO Summit
In Whom Do We Trust: Optimist Visionaries or Cynical Pragmatists?
Waldorf Astoria New York | December 16 - 17, 2015
Yale CEO Summit
Tacking around Political Headwinds: Guiding the Free Flow of Information
New York Stock Exchange | June 2 - 3, 2015
Yale CEO Summit
The Global CEO and Local Sensitivities: Leading at Once as Diplomat, Patriot, Entrepreneur, Financier, and Industrialist
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 17 - 18, 2014
Yale CEO Global Summit
Trading Places: US-China Perspectives on Trade Partnerships
Beijing, China | October 26 - 27, 2014
Yale CEO Summit
Transforming with Transparency: Investing in Innovation amid Public Scrutiny
New York Stock Exchange | June 3 - 4, 2014
Yale CEO Summit
The Entrepreneurial Spirit and Global Rules of Engagement: Fairness and Freedom in Taxes and Tariffs
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 18 - 19, 2013
Yale CEO Global Summit
Shared Interests of the G-2: Resolving the Challenges between the World's #1 and #2 Economies
Beijing, China | October 23 - 24, 2013
Yale CEO Summit
Can CEOs Be Superheroes: Do We Expect too Much from the Boss?
New York Stock Exchange | June 4 - 5, 2013
Yale CEO Summit
What Just Happened? The Impact and Opportunities of Global Government Changes
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 12 - 13, 2012
Yale CEO Summit
Staying Ahead of Economic Currents: Building an Enterprise for the Future Despite Present Day Uncertainties
New York Stock Exchange | June 5 - 6, 2012
Yale CEO Leadership Summit
Rethinking Global Markets: Leading Businesses across Divergent National Economies
Waldorf Astoria, Manhattan | December 14 - 15, 2011
Yale CEO Leadership Summit
Settling Old Debts, While Taking on New Risks
New York Stock Exchange | June 7 - 8, 2011
Yale CEO Summit
Courageous Calls vs. Reckless Risk: Leading through the Unknowable & Triumphing the Unknown
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 15 - 16, 2010
Yale CEO Global Leadership Summit - Mumbai
Leading Global Enterprises across Global Cities: Aspirations, Realities & Alternatives
Mumbai, India | October 25 - 26, 2010
Yale CEO Global Leadership Summit - Shanghai
Leading Global Enterprises across Global Cities: Aspirations, Realities & Alternatives
Shanghai, China | October 10 - 11, 2010
Yale CEO Leadership Summit
The Truths and Myths of the Evolving “Post-American World”: Getting Our House in Order
New York Stock Exchange | June 8 - 9, 2010
2010 Yale Green Summit
Earth Day at 40
New York Stock Exchange | April 22, 2010
Yale CEO Leadership Summit
You Can't Go Home Again: Forging Your New Post-Crisis Business Model
Waldorf Astoria, Manhattan | December 16 - 17, 2009
Yale CEO Global Leadership Summit - New Delhi
Navigating the Global Oceans of Opportunity for Indian Business
Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, India | November 5 - 6, 2009
Yale CEO Global Leadership Summit
Ensuring Happy Days Are Here Again: Finding Prosperity in Hard Times
New York Stock Exchange | June 8 - 9, 2009
CEO Testimonials
Congratulations on another great CEO Summit. I believe it was one of the best. As always, you did an extraordinary job of taking a very diverse and informed audience on a wide ranging tour addressing the critical issues of the day. From trade…to activism…to consumers…to technology, it was a rich and engaging discussion. For me, the day was both fun and informative. I really enjoyed it.
- Nick Pinchuk, Chairman & CEO, Snap-On Incorporated
That is quite an impressive event you put on. I’ve never been at anything quite like it. The content, the organization, your attention to detail, the humor you interject-Wow! I don’t know how you grasp so much about each individual and company and recall all the TV replays that make it so fast moving and enjoyable. Well done - very well done. I cannot imagine how this Summit could have been better .