Meet the Director of Community and Inclusion
Kristen Beyers brings to her new role a passion for recruiting top talent and fostering diversity and inclusion, as well as devotion to the Yale SOM community.
I recently realized I have two homes. One of them is the small shoreline community in Connecticut where I live with my husband, two amazing children, and an energetic puppy. The other is Yale School of Management.
I’ve been fortunate to work for wonderful organizations with fulfilling missions and a commitment to my growth. Yet no place has left a mark on me like Yale has. I recently decided to rejoin the Yale SOM administration after a five-year hiatus. Today, I’m proud to be “back at home” in what I deem to be the best job at the school. As the director of community and inclusion, I am focused on growing the pipeline of diverse talent for the school and building an inclusive culture where all students are appreciated for who they are and feel a sense of belonging. The icing on the cake is being part of the MBA Admissions Committee, where I get a glimpse into the future makeup of our community.
While I enjoy my profession, no one aspires to be in admissions when they grow up. (I wanted to be a singer or a dancer, but being off-key and clumsy led me to re-assess early on. I’m still holding out hope for being a winemaker one day!) I’m in this career because I love helping others achieve their goals. This interest has led me to take on various roles over the years, including those of career coach, executive coach, recruiter, diversity and inclusion leader, and admissions professional. I derive satisfaction from helping prospective MBAs identify their skills and passions, determine if our program aligns with their goals, and seeing them through the application process. This niche skillset has proved handy in my personal life, as I’m the go-to person to provide application reviews, career advice, and interview practice for family and friends. (Note: I’ve been known to accept personal thank-you gifts in return, such as when my pastry-chef family member bakes me her famous apple pie!)
I’m a firm believer in lifelong learning. One way I’ve developed professionally is by intentionally surrounding myself with people who are different from me so we can all learn from each other. Building relationships based on genuine curiosity, positive intent, and open communication is key to creating and sustaining inclusive environments and fostering growth. It’s a privilege to help shape and support such a diverse, talented, and welcoming community of rising global leaders for business and society.
I look forward to meeting you, hearing your story, and learning about your interest in our special community—which one day you may also think of as another “home.” Best of luck on this exciting journey!