Travel Is Back on for Global Studies Requirement Courses
After the COVID-19 pandemic halted travel for two years, this March, MBA students were finally able to enjoy the 10-day trips that are the culmination of International Experience and Global Social Entrepreneurship courses.
One of the avenues for fulfilling the MBA curriculum’s Global Studies Requirement (GSR), the International Experience course serves as a case study in learning about the complexities of a business environment from a global leader’s point of view. The course begins with a half semester of classroom study and culminates with a 10-day trip to one or more business capitals, during which students visit companies and meet political leaders. This March, students selected from the following destinations (click through to view photos and reflections from each trip):
Another alternative for fulfilling the GSR, the Global Social Entrepreneurship class led by Professor Tony Sheldon traveled to Kenya to put into practice the skills and lessons they learned during the semester-long course. Read a blog post about the experience.