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William Zhang

William Zhang ’25


Student Ambassador




Princeton, New Jersey


United States

Undergraduate Institution and Major

New York University, Mathematics

Pre-MBA Industry

Consulting, Oliver Wyman; Consulting & PR, Teneo

Internship Organization

Government, U.S. Department of Energy, ARPA-E

Clubs and Affiliations

Business and Politics Club; Economic Development Club

Tell us about your International Experience trip. Where did you go? What was your favorite part?

I visited Oslo, Norway in March 2024 as part of Yale SOM's International Experience. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with and learning from key Norwegian institutions, such as Norges Bank Investment Management, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, OsloMet, and others. Additionally, I will be doing a semester exchange at the London School of Economics during the spring semester of 2025.

Contact Information (he/him/his)