John Ruizo ’24
MBA for Executives
Area Clinical Technology Manager, Kaiser Permanente; Health Services Officer, U.S. Army Reserves
When I applied to the executive MBA program, the COVID-19 pandemic was really impacting the world. I thought an MBA with a healthcare focus was needed more than ever and would best prepare me for a new career post-military.
I’ve been able to use a number of lessons learned in my courses as I’ve made the transition from the military to the start of my civilian career in a new organization.
I’ve gotten personal insights through the group dynamics on my learning team and new frameworks for approaching issues. The Managing Groups and Teams and Workforce courses were the most impactful, providing many practical lessons as I prepare to engage in a new kind of workforce.

In my leadership development courses, I’ve learned that sometimes what you consider to be a strength as a leader can become a weakness. We can develop tunnel vision and become oblivious to the fact that our methods or beliefs are not the whole story. I’ve learned to ask for and take constructive criticism. I’ve learned to ask for help, to ask for other people’s opinions, and to consider other perspectives. And I’m not just a better leader for it—I’m a better person.
This program is for anyone who wants to refine their skill set and improve their career progression in hopes of making a positive impact in the world. It’s a catalyst to catapult you toward where you want to go, whether that’s pivoting to something new or enhancing your current career trajectory. For employers, it’s an all-encompassing value add. The short-term time sacrifice will yield long-term dividends. Take the leap of faith for this program and don’t look back. It’ll be the best decision you’ve made in a long time.
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