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Camila Rubino ’21

Camila Rubino ’21

MBA for Executives


Current Position: Vice President of Operations, Fair Haven Community Health Care

While clinical skills are important in healthcare, in order to be an advocate for change, you need to understand the industry as a whole. The EMBA program gives us an education from the top down and from the bottom up. We study the role of consumers and how important it is to have products or services that stand out, as well as the value of competition and collaboration. We also explore the responsibility that we, as leaders, have to create social value and influence others.

Our class culture is extremely collaborative and supportive. It’s a great group. A lot of our work is done in teams with classmates from many different industries. Our teamwork is all about relationship-building. It’s about building trust, learning to manage conflict, and finding resolution. It’s about failing and picking each other back up again.

As a nurse, I bring a lot of “soft skills” to the team and I benefit from my teammates who bring other skills. We balance each other. This program is all about learning to appreciate people for who they are and what they bring to the table. Being surrounded by people who are so talented, and who bring so much experience, has been a gift.

Yale SOM’s mission of educating leaders for business and society says it all for me. My goal is to become a leader who’s in a position to create opportunities and programs that can benefit vulnerable communities. In the EMBA program, I’m developing the skill set to do this, but I’m also learning how to promote the innovation and collaboration that are so essential to getting the job done.

Interviewed on October 21, 2019