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Yale’s first-rate business curriculum and depth of knowledge in the sector provide a foundation for your aspirations. You’ll also draw on the full power of Yale University and our network of business graduates in the field, as you gain the elevated perspective to see the big picture that enables you to be a leader.

Specializing in healthcare will elevate your career trajectory within the field. Courses and colloquium sessions from our healthcare area of focus also provide deep insights and illuminating perspectives for leaders in other fields.

The healthcare sector is undergoing rapid, momentous change. The combination of ongoing technological development and far-reaching regulatory change means that no business model can survive without constant revision and rejuvenation. Hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies, investors, start-ups, and other organizations all need to compete in a uniquely complex and fast-evolving strategic space. To lead in healthcare, to launch something new, to create value for your stakeholders, you need a fundamental understanding of markets and organizations combined with deep insight into healthcare’s challenges.

Dr. Howard Forman

"The combination of the rigorous Yale MBA and in-depth study of healthcare leadership has been a winning formula for our graduates over the past years as evidenced by the impact they are having across the sector.”

Howard P. Forman, Faculty Director, Healthcare, & Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Economics, and Management

Area of Focus Progression

Alongside the integrated core curriculum, in your first year, you will increase your grasp of big ideas and trends in healthcare by participating in the Colloquium on Healthcare, a series of candid talks with leaders of hospitals, CEOs of medical device and drug companies, policymakers, and other people shaping the field. In addition, you will build your network and benefit from the perspectives and experiences of classmates from all facets of the industry.

In the second year, you deepen your expertise. You take a slate of advanced business and management courses, and a series of deep explorations of topics in healthcare. These courses are taught by experts from the School of Management and other parts of the university, including the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health. For example, one elective course structured around major challenges in healthcare, seen through the lens of investors, will deepen your learning and link back to the essential business skills taught in the core.

Sample Course: Population Health & Health Equity

Population Health and Health Equity, a course co-taught by Marcella Nunez-Smith, professor of internal medicine, epidemiology and public health at the Yale School of Medicine, and Brad Richards EMBA’18, assistant clinical professor of medicine at the Yale School of Medicine, provides an introduction to two frameworks influential in healthcare today. Population health focuses on improving health outcomes for entire communities, while health equity is concerned with underserved groups, particularly those marginalized by historical and contemporary policies.

Preview image for the video "MBA for Executives: Population Health & Health Equity Course".

Our community

The skills and knowledge I’ve gained in this program have already been invaluable on the job. As a frontline worker during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to apply lessons about teamwork, consensus building, and operations streamlining just when we needed them most!

A person sitting at a table with clasped hands and smiling

Healthcare Courses

This course will provide an introduction to the economics of healthcare markets with a focus on understanding what is inefficient, what reforms and innovations might make things better, and how strategic interactions among firm's impact profits, health outcomes, and social welfare. Topics covered include: measuring the value of health and medical care; the role of health insurance and competition among insurers; assessing healthcare delivery facilities such as hospitals, nursing homes, and retail clinics; whether pharmaceutical prices are too high and whether we should purchase pharmaceuticals from other counties; lessons from behavioral economics about the role of imperfectly informed consumers; and the impact of the Affordable Care Act on health care in the US.

The course focuses on the most critical components and issues in global health in the era of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and cost-effective innovative solutions. The course will also discuss the Global Health Security Agenda—successes and challenges.

The healthcare delivery system is made up of many organizations from large hospitals to small private practices. The operations of these organizations are complex as they involve many highly trained professionals with a wide range of specializations, sophisticated and expensive technology, and customers (patients) with diverse needs all in an environment that is increasingly cost-sensitive. At the same time quality is multidimensional and hard to measure. In this course, we study the concepts and tools that can increase the efficiency and quality of healthcare delivery processes. We will explore questions of capacity planning, scheduling, and process design in healthcare.

Survey course that looks at demand-side and supply-side factors that influence the delivery of healthcare and health in the US. The course, inherently, challenges the student to consider the appropriate role of government in the US healthcare delivery system.

Population health and health equity frameworks share the recognition that unmet health-related social needs, such as food and/or housing insecurity, may increase the risk of developing chronic conditions and reduce an individual’s ability to manage those conditions. Population health, in turn, has a focus on reducing avoidable healthcare utilization and increased healthcare costs that are often the resulting reality. The focus of health equity, a long-standing framework anchored in social justice, is on the equal distribution of good health with a specific emphasis on groups that are stigmatized, marginalized, and disadvantaged as a result of historical and contemporary policies across domains that systematically affect access to opportunity. Important tensions exist between population health and health equity paradigms.

Healthcare represents 20% of the US economy. It’s a strange beast: government is the largest payer, but large parts of the system – drug development, most insurance, IT, population health management, and a good deal of service provision – are largely based in the private sector. Prices are opaque, incentives shift, and regulation is subject to change. And the legitimacy of private investment in health care is often questioned politically. The purpose of this class is to examine a number of health care investments – a private equity roll-up, the IPO of a health care disruptor, and life sciences venture capital investments, to introduce students to the mix of analytical and strategic judgments involved in investing in a large and dynamic sector. By assessing concrete cases and discussing them with professional investors, students should learn to develop and defend an investment thesis, assess financial, regulatory, technical, and other business risk factors, and relate them to investment decisions.

This list represents current and planned program content. Exact course lineup and/or titles may change.

Pozen-Commonwealth Fund

Learn about the Pozen-Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Healthcare Equity Leadership, a 22-month, degree-granting program that covers the cost of the MBA for Executives program and gives healthcare professionals the leadership skills and the deep understanding of teams, markets, and organizations necessary to tackle major inequities in the U.S. healthcare system.