Our colloquia speaker course brings to campus the expertise of policy makers, corporate leaders, research faculty, or practitioners from the front lines of industries dealing with asset management, healthcare and sustainability. The schedule provides the opportunity for students to hear from experts across all areas of focus. Students who choose to specialize in one Area of Focus attend six colloquia sessions within their field, plus others outside of their area. Others choose the leadership lessons and discussions of major societal issues that are most relevant to their careers.
Featured Colloquium Speakers

Amy Chivetta
Yale Investment Office
William Nordhaus
Sterling Professor of Economics
Yale University
Amanda Skinner, MSN '98, MBA '08
President and CEO
Planned Parenthood of Southern New England
Cliff Asness
Founder and CIO
AQR Capital Management
Paulette Frank
Chief Sustainability Officer
Johnson and Johnson
Gary Gottlieb, MD, MBA
Executive Partner
Flare Capital Partners
Danielle Merfeld
Vice President and CTO
GE Renewables
Stephen N. Oesterle, MD
Senior Vice President for Medicine and Technology
Onyeka Obiocha
Executive Director