From the Director of Admissions: Upcoming Events
Our Round 1 decision notification date was earlier this week, so I want to begin this note by congratulating all of the Round 1 applicants who have just learned of their admission to Yale SOM. We are excited to welcome you all to the Yale community!
Upcoming Events
For those of you targeting our Round 2 application deadline on January 9, 2014, there are several upcoming opportunities to learn more about the school between now and then. You can meet admissions officers at upcoming receptions in Boston and New York on December 17 and 18, respectively; in addition, current students are hosting a series of Winter Break Socials around the globe while they are traveling between semesters. And for those of you looking for additional advice as you finalize your Round 2 application, we have added a second online Application Tips Chat, which will take place tomorrow at 12 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.).
Evans Hall
As the fall semester winds down, there is a lot of excitement over the move to Edward P. Evans Hall, Yale SOM's new, state-of-the-art campus. Even as students prepare for exams this week, staff and faculty are starting to move into the new building. To help inaugurate Evans Hall, the school will host a conference on January 9-11, where top leaders from business, government, and academia will discuss major trends transforming markets and organizations around the world. The conference will be streamed live on the web; please join us for some fascinating conversations about the issues facing future leaders—and get a first look at Evans Hall. We will share more information about the conference, including links to live video, in early January.
Round 2 Deadline and Winter Recess
If you have any questions for us in advance of the Round 2 deadline, feel free to email us at Please note that Yale University will be on winter recess between December 21, 2013, and January 2, 2014, so we will not be responding to emails during that time. If you send us an email then, we will respond as soon as possible once we return from recess on January 2.
Assistant Dean and Director
Admissions Office
Yale School of Management
135 Prospect Street
Box 208200
New Haven, CT 06520-8200
203.432.5635, Admissions Office
203.432.6380, Visitor Center
fax 203.432.7004