Shreshtha Jain ’20
Master of Advanced Management
I’ve worked as a tech consultant in India and in the U.S. While I enjoyed helping my clients achieve their digital transformation goals, I wanted to play more of a role confronting global challenges such as climate change, global hunger, and the mass slaughtering of farmed animals. When I learned about Yale SOM’s mission of educating leaders for business and society, it instantly piqued my curiosity.
The MAM program definitely lives up to the mission. It not only provides opportunities for students to learn leadership skills; it also examines today’s big global problems through a values lens. This combination has helped me tailor my academic journey, putting a focus on acquiring both tech management leadership and human-centric problem-solving skills.
My MBA cohort was small, just 53 students. Coming to Yale, I didn’t know if I’d have the chance to form meaningful relationships in a fast-paced program that runs for less than one year. The people at Yale SOM proved me wrong. I’m surprised by how smooth my transition has gone and at how closely knit the SOM community is. Everyone, from students to faculty to staff, has been warm and welcoming.
And the student clubs have helped me network beyond campus. I recently attended a mixer in New York City co-hosted by Yale SOM’s Out of Office club, in collaboration with LGBT+ students from the Stern School of Business and Columbia Business School.
I have also met a lot of inspiring people at Yale—including one of the founders of the Effective Altruism movement that introduced me to the philosophy of “doing good better” during my MBA program in Sydney, Australia. Things came full circle for me, thanks to Yale’s networking reach.
I came to Yale with a good deal of global experience, but the MAM program is sharpening my strategic, behavioral, and financial skill sets. I’ve been challenged academically in every single class, and I’ve been able to take part in some unique opportunities. The Customer Insights and Applications course, for instance, let me address a real-life challenge currently facing the world’s leading oceanographic institute.
I’ve also explored opportunities across greater Yale. I’m planning to take courses at the School of Art and at the Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design. I’m also currently the Law, Ethics & Animals Program (LEAP) fellow at Yale Law School. It’s a one-of-a-kind program that’s letting me align my passion for the intersectionality of human, animal, and environmental justice with my professional goals.
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