Hiring from Yale SOM Just Got Easier
Summer is just a few weeks away for Yale SOM students. In May, about 550 students will graduate and 350 head off to summer internships. If your organization is hiring, simply share a job description link that we will include on a one-stop document promoted only to Yale SOM students. The benefit to students is they will have a willing contact to connect with to learn more about the role, and the chance to work with a stellar Yale SOM alum; the benefit to you is free and clear promotion of your role to the best talent in the world! Additionally, the CDO will capture your role in 12Twenty, our career management system, thereby streamlining the process.
All full-time and summer internships are welcome - any industry, any function, any geography, any organization size or age. And for summer internships, both the Internship Fund and the Small Business Internship Fund (in its third year) will provide financial support to students across sectors – qualifying for these funds lays solely with students and requires no advance work on organizations.
We look forward to promoting your roles and further building connections between students and alumni!
Throughout the year, the CDO is here to support all alumni, whether you are searching for new opportunities yourself or searching for talent. To learn more, visit https://som.yale.edu/alumni/career.