2022 Alumni Appreciation Week
This November, Yale School of Management students at Evans Hall made time to observe what has become an annual community tradition—Alumni Appreciation Week.

This November, Yale School of Management students at Evans Hall made time to observe what has become an annual community tradition—Alumni Appreciation Week. In an effort led by Student Government representatives Wei-Ru Li ’23 and Cinthya Garibay ’24, current students were invited to draft handwritten letters expressing their gratitude to a member of the Yale SOM alumni community. Over the course of Alumni Appreciation Week, students wrote more than 200 letters to alumni. The recipients range from alumni in the charter class, the class of 1978, through the most recent class, the class of 2022. At least one alumni of every degree type received a letter.
At the end of November, most of these letters were placed in the mail to their intended recipients, but several students elected to draft letters to the entire alumni community as their way of showing thanks. A selection of these letters are collected below. We hope you will take a moment to read them through and internalize the sense of gratitude, appreciation, and respect expressed—all palpable sentiments here on campus during Alumni Appreciation Week.