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Women’s Leadership Program

Invigorate your leadership to drive your career forward.

Women continue to face unique challenges in the workplace that can complicate their ascent to higher leadership roles. But this doesn’t dampen their ambitions—they fearlessly seek ways to leap over the hurdles in their path.

Yale’s Women’s Leadership Program serves as a powerful springboard, igniting a journey of self-discovery and professional growth that drives women forward in their careers.

In this immersive, on-campus program, participants strengthen critical leadership competencies that fuel innovation, create more effective team dynamics, and sharpen decision making. Instead of learning to fit a mold, they forge authentic leadership styles that engage their natural strengths and individuality.

Invigorated by fresh ideas, innovative frameworks, and enhanced skills, participants emerge from the program ready to excel as leaders.

Two women giving each other high-fives in the classroom.
Three women laughing while doing work.
A woman giving a speech to her classmates.
Preview image for the video "Yale SOM Executive Education: Women’s Leadership Program".
Participants share why they pursued Yale’s Women’s Leadership Program and what they took away from the experience.