Nicky Ou ’23
Master of Advanced Management
I come from a background in nonprofit and social enterprise, and giving back to society is a driving force in my career. I’m looking to bring an ESG perspective and skill set to my next role. The MAM degree was a unique opportunity to pursue targeted ESG and business electives. At Yale SOM, I knew I would be studying alongside some of the brightest students from top business schools around the world. As part of the next generation of leaders, I believe it’s time to accelerate our influence as managers who consider all stakeholders, no matter what we pursue after business school.

I have been incredibly fortunate to learn from a world-class faculty who are so adept at facilitating class discussions. Some of my favorite courses have been Competitive Strategy, Business Ethics, Internal Investigations, and China’s Challenge to the Global Economic Order. The MAM program has let me collaborate with students from all corners of the world. This has exposed me to different perspectives and values, and to be frank, has made me more open-minded. I am thankful to my fellow classmates for allowing me to make mistakes and for being willing to engage in difficult conversations. This is a defining characteristic of Yale SOM—students foster a respectful environment in the classroom, in clubs and student government, and in the broader community.

The admissions teams across all programs at Yale SOM have done a remarkable job cultivating a gifted and diverse alumni pipeline. Our MAM alumni include handpicked, experienced professionals who have MBAs from top international business schools. Other degree programs like Systemic Risk and Asset Management include talent specializing in specific industries and functions. There is so much expertise at Yale SOM!
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