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Women’s Leadership Program: Leading Teams

Gain the skills to maximize your influence and impact through improved decision-making, leveraging your network, and everyday leadership moments.

Women offer unique skills that are well-suited to leading within the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment organizations face today. However, they remain underrepresented at all levels of leadership and decision-making worldwide. Women’s Leadership Program: Leading Teams equips women leaders with the skills, mindsets, and behaviors needed to excel in their role.

The six-week asynchronous online program focuses on three key themes of leadership: decision-making, networks, and the value in everyday moments. Guided by expert faculty, you’ll gain practical approaches and resources, such as the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model, that can be applied in your unique context. You’ll also learn to leverage your authentic leadership style as you engage with a global network and elevate your ability to lead others effectively.

A woman speaks to a member on her team
A team of women working in a break out room in Yale SOM's Evans Hall
Preview image for the video "Yale SOM Executive Education Women Leading Teams Online Program | Trailer".