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School of Management

Laura Adler - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
James Baron - William S. Beinecke Professor of Management and Professor of Sociology
Sarah Biggerstaff - Lecturer in the Practice of Management
Tristan Botelho - Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior
Heidi Brooks - Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior
Daylian Cain - Senior Lecturer in  Negotiations, Leadership, and Ethics
Kate Cooney - Senior Lecturer in Social Enterprise and Management and Director of the Inclusive Economic Development Lab
Jason Dana - Associate Professor of Management and Marketing
Jennifer Dannals - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Julia DiBenigno - Professor of Organizational Behavior
Erin L. Frey - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Adriana Germano - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Beth Anne Helgason - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Balazs Kovacs - Professor of Organizational Behavior
Emma E. Levine - Visiting Professor of Organizational Behavior
David M. Munguia Gomez - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Jayanti Owens - Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld - Senior Associate Dean for Executive Programs and Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management

Epidemiology & Public Health

Paul Cleary - Anna M. R. Lauder Professor of Public Health and Professor of Sociology and in the Institution for Social and Policy Studies; Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS

Social Psychology

Margaret Clark - John M. Musser Professor of Psychology
John Dovidio - Carl I Hovland Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Professor Emeritus in the Institute for Social and Policy Studies and of Epidemiology
Peter Salovey - Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology and School of Management and Institution for Social and Policy Studies and Sociology; Professor Epidemiology and Public Health


Nicholas Christakis - Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science; Departments of Sociology; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Statistics and Data Science;  Biomedical Engineering; Medicine; and the School of Management
Emily Erikson - Joseph C. Fox Academic Director of the Fox International Fellowship, Professor of Sociology; and the School of Management; Chair, Department of Sociology