Get to Know: Jason Gray ’22
In this series, Yale SOM’s Student Ambassadors ask their peers some quick questions about life outside the classroom.
Where are you from?
I’m from Washington, D.C, and spent the last several years in New York.
What did you do pre-SOM?
I was an administrator and teacher at a performing arts nonprofit. I co-founded a training institute for actors to study techniques from the Black theater tradition.
What interested you in pursuing an MBA and what led you to choose SOM?
I’m a joint-degree student in theater management with the School of Drama. I was drawn to pursue the MBA because I wanted to understand business structures and management styles outside of the performing arts world, which can be very insular.
What can we find you doing on a weekend?
Watching and judging new Netflix content in an unnecessarily rigorous fashion (current must-see: Grand Army). In a different time, seeing plays, going to brunch, going to museums.
Who is your role model and why?
Indira Etwaroo, a career leader in the arts and a mentor. She embodies poise, vision, determination—all traits I try to emulate.
When the world reopens up, where is the first place you’ll go?
Packed house on opening night—easy.
What advice would you give prospective students?
Hold your vision. Trust the process.
Jason Gray was the 2020-21 recipient of The Jane Mendillo YC ’80, ’84 MBA and Ralph Earle ’84 MBA Scholarship.