From the Assistant Dean for Admissions: Should I Apply in Round 3?
As our second application round winds down (we’ll be releasing decisions on Tuesday, March 27) and attention turns to the Round 3 deadline on April 18, the natural question for potential applicants is whether it makes sense to apply in Round 3. After all, it is our smallest application round (Round 2 is the largest) and many applicants believe that the class is already full by the time Round 3 comes around. My view is that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by applying in Round 3. Here’s why.
We still have room in the class. Contrary to popular belief, we do have space in Round 3. Every year we develop a model that allows room to admit applicants in Round 3. The specific number can vary based on how many admitted applicants enroll from Rounds 1 and 2, but there is always still space in the class.
Yes, even for students from outside the U.S. Some applicants have heard that Round 3 is only for applicants who are U.S. citizens—and this may be true for some schools. But we have never felt constrained to consider only U.S. citizens in Round 3 and have never had any hesitation about admitting non-U.S. citizens in this round. It is completely open to all applicants from across the globe.
But what if I don’t get in? If you want to start your MBA this coming fall, the only option is to apply in this application season. But even if you’re open to beginning your MBA either this fall or in fall 2019, applying now can have its benefits. First of all, there is no disadvantage to re-applying; we view re-applicants in exactly the same way we do first-time applicants. Round 3 can be a “test run” for your next application, without any negative consequences. For applicants who aren’t admitted this year, we provide feedback upon request over the summer on how you might be able to improve your candidacy, so there can even be a benefit to applying now.
Deciding when to apply for an MBA can be difficult, but hopefully knowing that there is little downside risk and much upside potential to applying in Round 3 makes the decision a little easier. If our team can be of guidance to you as you consider your application, you can register for our online office hours. Best of luck on your MBA journey!
Assistant Dean for Admissions
Yale School of Management
165 Whitney Avenue
Box 208200
New Haven, CT 06520-8200
203.432.5635, Admissions Office
203.432.6380, Visitor Center
fax 203.432.7004